Rise High Bangladesh at BRAC University

With the goal of inspiring the young generation to contribute to the country’s progress through generating innovative export ideas, the second season of the contest 'Rise High Bangladesh' reached BRAC University on September 26, 2017.
The programme starting at 10:00 am in the campus generated exuberance among the students. It continued until the end of the working day. The activation spot was decorated with posters, banners, and placards that contained details about the contest. The Rise High volunteers were available to explain the objectives, incentives and rules of participation to a large number of students approaching booths set up at the campus premises before and after classes.
Unsurprisingly, the puzzle-solving game attracted a large crowd where the participants were required to pick a clue card, containing export information of an unnamed country; all they had to do was to identify the country on the world map.
Ayesha Mahbub, a student of the Business Administration Department, after winning the puzzle solving contest, expressed excitedly, “This contest inspires me to know more about export geography of the world. I am planning to submit a project on clay products. Nowadays, people around the world are interested in eco-friendly products. So, there is an opportunity of exporting clay products to foreign markets.”Another student of the same department, Mahbuba Shorna expressed her interest to submit a craft-related export idea.
Tanzila Khan from the Development Studies department shared, “I look forward to forming a team with my friends and will definitely try to contribute an idea. It might be on home-made products.”
The university authority responded very positively and thanked the organisers for taking such an initiative.