Editor's Note

Dear readers,
This issue, titled "Reimagining Growth in the Digital Age", is the third instalment of our 200-page special supplement series on the occasion of The Daily Star's 29th anniversary.
Bangladesh, over the years, has achieved remarkable economic growth. Having exceeded the minimum USD 1,230 per capita income, which is now an estimated USD 2,067, it has fulfilled the eligibility criteria set by the United Nations to be recognised as a developing country in the coming years, by crossing over from the list of least developed countries (LDCs). However, in spite of these achievements, the road ahead is long and difficult.
Among the many challenges that we now have, lies the task of industrialising and maintaining Bangladesh's growth momentum, while at the same time, the Fourth Industrial Revolution is radically changing the global economic landscape. The challenges and opportunities that arise during this great global shift are bound to be enormous, and in this segment, we will look at some of the ways we can best overcome these obstacles.
We would like to thank all the contributors, for enriching this issue with very insightful and thoughtful articles. We are grateful to all of them.
We would also like to express our sincere gratitude to our readers and patrons whose endless support and dedication keep us going.
Be sure to follow up on our next instalment of this special supplement, titled "Digitisation and Inclusivity: Taking Everyone Along", which comes out on February 18.
Mahfuz Anam
Editor & Publisher