Adopt, don’t shop: The case against buying pets

A love that transcends language and understanding – sounds imaginary, but is very easily obtained when you have a four-legged best friend. There are hundreds of Facebook groups and resources promoting adoption, and it takes only one to realise Dhaka's massive problem of overpopulation of animals.
Stray cats and dogs live a life marred by abuse and normalised cruelty, often passing away from extreme starvation and malnutrition. One adoption is one more animal saved from a short life and a painful death. Adopting a pet is the obvious choice in a city overpopulated by stray animals constantly looking for food and safety. After all, it could save their lives, and you have a loyal buddy for life. Yet, there are still uncountable families purchasing animals while adopting none – developing a new problem and leaving an old one unsolved.
A common reason for purchasing a pet is for the "aesthetics" – the claim that a foreign breed will look nicer. But it's important to realise that a living creature is not an accessory. A pet is a living thing, not a showpiece, and most rescue animals flourish under a caring hand. Each animal has its own unique beauty and personality when loved and cared for.
When it comes to affordability, adoption is entirely free of charge. It requires no payment to welcome a pet into your home, and in the long term, they require less maintenance as there is generally little to no need for professional grooming or fur maintenance. On the other hand, purchasing a pet, such as a Persian cat, could cost up to BDT 30,000-40,000 and in the long run, grooming and maintenance become a regular financial investment, as they are more prone to risks of developing fungal infections if not taken care of properly.
Additionally, adoption is the more ethical choice as well. The business of breeders in Dhaka is revolting. Breeders purchase kittens and puppies, and as soon as they are of age, they are forced to be in proximity to the opposite gender to produce litter as quickly as possible. After the offspring are born, they only spend a few weeks with their mother before they are whisked away to be sold, and the cycle almost immediately repeats, disregarding any health concerns of the mother or their babies. Neglect of pets is ordinary and not even a secret in the breeding industry. When you adopt a pet, you are not condoning this practice and ensuring that you are not contributing to the endless cycle of abuse that could be easily prevented.
We share the city with these animals. They are voiceless, subject to abuse, and yet have so much love to give. Choosing to purchase rather than adopt is choosing to abandon them when all they want is to be our best friend forever. It's time for us to start a new generation of compassion and adopt our new furry family member.
Tinath Zaeba is an optimistic daydreamer, a cat mom of 5, and a student of Economics at North South University. When she is not cuddling with her pets, you can contact her at