Special Read


Tawsif Mahbub
Tawsif Mahbub

Tawsif Mahbub is a young actor, who has successfully captured the hearts of many in Bangladesh. Thanks to his boy-next-door look, Tawsif has been grabbing character roles by the dozen on Bangladeshi television. Also the former bassist of the upcoming band The Manager, Tawsif speaks to the Star Weekend about movies, mentors and much more.

What are the three things you would take with you to a deserted island? 

My acoustic guitar, a tab full of TV series and a sleeping bag.

If you were given a chance to play a role in an old film, which role and which film would they be?

Forest Gump.

What is your favourite midnight snack?

The non-branded potato chips that we find in the streets of Dhaka.

Which director or directors would you like to work with in the future?

Mostofa Sarwar and Amitabh Reza.

What is your favourite form of exercise?

I like to do a lot of freehand and play outdoor sports whenever I can.

What is the message you would like to give to all the young people trying to enter your profession?

Stop trying, stop sleeping and stop sulking (if you do). Wake up, set your goals and conquer the world with a bang! 

— Elita Karim
Photo: Ridwan Adid Rupon



Tawsif Mahbub
Tawsif Mahbub

Tawsif Mahbub is a young actor, who has successfully captured the hearts of many in Bangladesh. Thanks to his boy-next-door look, Tawsif has been grabbing character roles by the dozen on Bangladeshi television. Also the former bassist of the upcoming band The Manager, Tawsif speaks to the Star Weekend about movies, mentors and much more.

What are the three things you would take with you to a deserted island? 

My acoustic guitar, a tab full of TV series and a sleeping bag.

If you were given a chance to play a role in an old film, which role and which film would they be?

Forest Gump.

What is your favourite midnight snack?

The non-branded potato chips that we find in the streets of Dhaka.

Which director or directors would you like to work with in the future?

Mostofa Sarwar and Amitabh Reza.

What is your favourite form of exercise?

I like to do a lot of freehand and play outdoor sports whenever I can.

What is the message you would like to give to all the young people trying to enter your profession?

Stop trying, stop sleeping and stop sulking (if you do). Wake up, set your goals and conquer the world with a bang! 

— Elita Karim
Photo: Ridwan Adid Rupon


৪ দফা দাবিতে ম্যাটস শিক্ষার্থীদের অবস্থান কর্মসূচি, না মানলে আমরণ অনশন

‘যে পুলিশগুলো আমাদের ওপর অতর্কিত হামলা চালিয়েছে, তারাই ফ্যাসিস্ট হাসিনার সময়ে বৈষম্যবিরোধী শিক্ষার্থীদের ওপর হামলা ও গুলি চালিয়েছিল।’

৫ ঘণ্টা আগে