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Is BNP truly aiming for state reform with its 27 points?

People of all quarters are now discussing BNP's 27-point proposal for state reform that they have recently unveiled. Many have congratulated it, while many questions have been raised as well. Can BNP really implement these proposals or is it just an attempt at vitalising their movement? Our Deputy Chief Reporter Mohammad Al-Masum Molla speaks with The Daily Star Opinion about BNP's proposals.



Is BNP truly aiming for state reform with its 27 points?

People of all quarters are now discussing BNP's 27-point proposal for state reform that they have recently unveiled. Many have congratulated it, while many questions have been raised as well. Can BNP really implement these proposals or is it just an attempt at vitalising their movement? Our Deputy Chief Reporter Mohammad Al-Masum Molla speaks with The Daily Star Opinion about BNP's proposals.

