Star Literature

Padma Bridge

(On the Eve of its Historic Inauguration)

Come June 25

And a new leaf we will turn

A new leaf;

Through mists and waves,

Hail and rain,

Sudden blasts from south,

Through high tides and low

We shall prevail

Come June 25

The waiting will be over

And a resounding No we will say

To our aggregated pain,

Because home and heart

Will remain parted no more

No more no more

The sick will go unattended

Stranded on the furthest shore

No more no more

Farmer's golden yield will go unrewarded

No more no more

Youths over future dim and dark

Will sigh broken-hearted.

Come June 25

We shall prevail.

Uniting the dreamer and the dream

Bringing zillion sparks of hope

to those in darkness steeped

Stands gleaming proud and tall

The Bridge.

Come June 25

We shall prevail

The one who holds together

The mettle and frame of our land

our seamless loyalty must strengthen

Her hand

Yasif Ahmad Faysal teaches English at the University of Barishal.


Padma Bridge

(On the Eve of its Historic Inauguration)

Come June 25

And a new leaf we will turn

A new leaf;

Through mists and waves,

Hail and rain,

Sudden blasts from south,

Through high tides and low

We shall prevail

Come June 25

The waiting will be over

And a resounding No we will say

To our aggregated pain,

Because home and heart

Will remain parted no more

No more no more

The sick will go unattended

Stranded on the furthest shore

No more no more

Farmer's golden yield will go unrewarded

No more no more

Youths over future dim and dark

Will sigh broken-hearted.

Come June 25

We shall prevail.

Uniting the dreamer and the dream

Bringing zillion sparks of hope

to those in darkness steeped

Stands gleaming proud and tall

The Bridge.

Come June 25

We shall prevail

The one who holds together

The mettle and frame of our land

our seamless loyalty must strengthen

Her hand

Yasif Ahmad Faysal teaches English at the University of Barishal.


র‍্যাব-এনটিএমসি বিলুপ্ত ও বিজিবি-ডিজিএফআইয়ের কর্মকাণ্ড সীমিত করার সুপারিশ

আজ বুধবার জুলাই অভ্যুত্থানের সঙ্গে সম্পর্কিত মানবাধিকার লঙ্ঘন ও নির্যাতন সংক্রান্ত ফ্যাক্ট-ফাইন্ডিং প্রতিবেদনে এসব কথা বলা হয়েছে। সেই সঙ্গে বেশ কিছু সুপারিশও করেছে জাতিসংঘের মানবাধিকার কার্যালয়।

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