“Bhalobeshe shokhi nibhrite jotone”

Inscribe my name, beloved,
With care and affection
In the temple of your secluded heart.
Trace the beat of the music
That plays in my soul
In the anklets on your feet.
Caress in your loving embrace
My cooing bird of songs
And hold it your palace-garden.
Do not forget, beloved, to tie
The friendship band I gave you –
Along with your gold bangles.
Pluck a bud from my creeper
Unmindfully, and place it
In the curly arrangements of your hair.
In my fond memory
Paint a vermilion dot on
Your fair forehead.
Let the sweetness of my enchanted heart
Melt and blend
In the scent of your body.
Collect the broken pieces of
My distraught life and death to mingle
With your unparalleled glory.
Vincent Dip Gomes is a fourth-year student in the Department of English, ULAB.