Health hazards of too much screen time

Without the use of colour screens, the present age is deprived of modernity. Especially for various needs, we have to use mobile devices and computers for a long time. Moreover, computer use has long been one of the main means of livelihood for many of us.
Current health science considers too much screen time to be a major health risk factor. For example, too much screen time results in myopia (nearsightedness) in humans. Higher-energy blue light on the colour screens can change eyesight over time. It is better to use the umbrella term "digital eye strain", which is associated with many complications, including pain, redness, itching, blurry vision, sensitivity to light, dryness of the eyes, and several headaches or migraines. Dry eye problems are most common in young people, and migraine-like headaches occur after continuous screening for several hours.
Although there are some controversies about screen time, a common headache starts when you watch television or play video or computer games for more than 3 hours at a time. Usually, just a few minutes are enough to make the brain light-sensitive. So 'too much' time is not too long. People have had the most screen time during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Research says that 50% of children who spend more than 5 hours of screen time a day suffer from digital eye strain, and 10% of them have eye itching and headaches. People with light sensitivity (photophobia, the second most common symptom of both concussion and post-concussion syndrome), should avoid too much screen time. Because blue light makes their brain hyperactive, which is one of the most common causes of migraines and brain injuries. It also causes dizziness, vertigo, or fatigue in humans.
Screening time of more than 2–5 hours a day can cause neck and shoulder discomfort and back pain. It is also related to obesity, exercise (or lack thereof), and general posture while viewing screens. Many studies consider too much screen time to be a major cause of depression, anxiety, and irritability. It is one of the major causes of emotional instability in humans.
According to the Mayo Clinic, smartphone thumb is a type of repetitive motion tendonitis that can cause pain and even lead to arthritis. A few minutes of screen time can delay melatonin release by several hours and desynchronize the body clock, which is linked to hormonal imbalance and brain inflammation. In a word, too much screen time is a hindrance to human health.
So, too much screening should be limited. Their use should be stopped 1-2 hours before bedtime. Sharp blue light in the dark is more harmful to the eyes and brain. Because constant exposure to this type of light over time could damage retinal cells and cause vision problems such as age-related macular degeneration, it also results in cataracts, eye cancer, and growths on the clear covering over the white part of the eye.
All the things that we should follow are:
(1) avoid arbitrary screen time limitations;
(2) consider environmental factors, such as increasing ambient lighting, avoiding poor neck or body posture, and limiting screen use before you go to sleep;
(3) take regular eye and movement breaks from the screen;
(4) limit screen time when it causes pain or symptoms;
(5) take extra precautions if you have photophobia, such as protective blue light glasses, screen light filters, apps, etc.
The writer is an Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacy, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Science and Technology University, Goplaganj, Bangladesh. Email: [email protected]