
Vaughn advises all players to tour

Former England captain Michael Vaughn has encouraged all the England players to participate in their scheduled tour of Bangladesh.

Former England captain Michael Vaughn has advised all the current players of the England team to go on their scheduled tour of Bangladesh and trust the security experts to keep them safe.

Vaughn, writing in his column for British newspaper The Telegraph, said that there were dangers on any tour and the players must trust the people whose job it is to keep the players safe.

"I understand what the England players are going through over whether to tour Bangladesh but I believe they should trust the security experts and all go," Vaughn wrote. "As a player you sit in briefings and they say you will get ‘presidential’ style security and the first thing someone says is that if we need all this security why are we going there to play a game of cricket? It seems irrelevant to risk so much just to play a few matches of cricket.

"But then you realise it is your job. As internationals we are experts at cricket. You hope others trust you to do your job. Well, Reg Dickason is a security expert and you have to trust him to do his job. He says the players will be safe and I think they will.

Vaughn then said that he himself had never felt unsafe, citing the hostile environments in the World Cup 2003 World Cup jointly-hosted by South Africa and Zimbabwe and during England’s 2001 tour to India after the Mumbai terror attacks rocked the country.

He further elaborated on how the players should handle their mindset.

“What drives players mad is the thought you are only going for money. You have a suspicion the board are only sending you because they do not want to lose television revenue or for political reasons. That is why it is so important that those telling the players it is safe should go too. Tom Harrison, the ECB chief executive, chairman Colin Graves and Andrew Strauss should be on the plane with the players. It makes a difference.


Vaughn advises all players to tour

Former England captain Michael Vaughn has encouraged all the England players to participate in their scheduled tour of Bangladesh.

Former England captain Michael Vaughn has advised all the current players of the England team to go on their scheduled tour of Bangladesh and trust the security experts to keep them safe.

Vaughn, writing in his column for British newspaper The Telegraph, said that there were dangers on any tour and the players must trust the people whose job it is to keep the players safe.

"I understand what the England players are going through over whether to tour Bangladesh but I believe they should trust the security experts and all go," Vaughn wrote. "As a player you sit in briefings and they say you will get ‘presidential’ style security and the first thing someone says is that if we need all this security why are we going there to play a game of cricket? It seems irrelevant to risk so much just to play a few matches of cricket.

"But then you realise it is your job. As internationals we are experts at cricket. You hope others trust you to do your job. Well, Reg Dickason is a security expert and you have to trust him to do his job. He says the players will be safe and I think they will.

Vaughn then said that he himself had never felt unsafe, citing the hostile environments in the World Cup 2003 World Cup jointly-hosted by South Africa and Zimbabwe and during England’s 2001 tour to India after the Mumbai terror attacks rocked the country.

He further elaborated on how the players should handle their mindset.

“What drives players mad is the thought you are only going for money. You have a suspicion the board are only sending you because they do not want to lose television revenue or for political reasons. That is why it is so important that those telling the players it is safe should go too. Tom Harrison, the ECB chief executive, chairman Colin Graves and Andrew Strauss should be on the plane with the players. It makes a difference.


‘পাসপোর্টের পুলিশ ভেরিফিকেশন বাতিলের সুযোগ নিতে পারবে না রোহিঙ্গারা’

স্বরাষ্ট্র উপদেষ্টা বলেন, জনগণকে ভোগান্তি থেকে রক্ষা করতে পাসপোর্টের ভেরিফিকেশন তুলে দেওয়া হয়েছে। অনেক দিনের চিন্তাভাবনা থেকেই এই সিদ্ধান্ত নেওয়া হয়েছে।

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