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Bangladesh’s Kaniz breaks new ground in Powerman

Kaniz becomes first Bangladeshi woman to finish Powerman duathlon
Kaniz Fatima Chhanda
Kaniz Fatima Chhanda. Photo: Collected

Around three months ago, Kaniz Fatima Chhanda, a passionate cyclist from Bangladesh, had never ran competitively, let alone a duathlon and had little to no intention of doing so.

But on June 9, the same Kaniz became the first woman from Bangladesh to not only take part but also successfully finish one of most grueling athletic events in the world, the World Triathlon Powerman Duathlon in Malaysia.

"I'm basically a cyclist. I had never done competitive running before. Three months ago, my friends registered me for it," said Kaniz, founder of School of Cycling: Femina in Lalmatiya, Dhaka, where she has taught cycling to 2000 girls from 2016 to 2020.

This year, a total of 2183 competitors took part in the duathlon, out of which 331 were women. Five competed from Bangladesh and Kaniz was the only woman.

Kaniz took part in the individual short category, where competitors had to run five kilometres, then cycle for 30km and then run for another 5km to reach the finish line.

Kaniz Fatima Chhanda
Kaniz Fatima Chhanda. Photo: Collected

After deciding that she would be taking part in this physically demanding athletic event, Kaniz went to the person best equipped to train her for this challenge—Rakibul Islam, who in 2022 had won the Powerman Duathlon Asia Championship.

"I then went to Rakibul Islam bhai and trained under him for three months. After that, I took part in this competition," Kaniz said.

It took Kaniz a net time of 3:18:15 to complete the duathlon. She finished 2106th overall out of 2183 competitors and 309th off 331 competitors in the women's category.

But Kaniz wasn't disappointed by her position.

"At the day of the competition, I had fallen sick. So, I'm glad that I could at least finish it."

Kaniz didn't have any sponsor and had to spend around Tk two lakhs to compete in the event. She feels that the sponsors are not stepping up in support of women athletes, which is why so few women from Bangladesh have taken part in global events in cycling, running or other athletic competitions.

For now, Kaniz is recuperating from the physical toll of the duathlon and is planning where she could compete next.


Bangladesh’s Kaniz breaks new ground in Powerman

Kaniz becomes first Bangladeshi woman to finish Powerman duathlon
Kaniz Fatima Chhanda
Kaniz Fatima Chhanda. Photo: Collected

Around three months ago, Kaniz Fatima Chhanda, a passionate cyclist from Bangladesh, had never ran competitively, let alone a duathlon and had little to no intention of doing so.

But on June 9, the same Kaniz became the first woman from Bangladesh to not only take part but also successfully finish one of most grueling athletic events in the world, the World Triathlon Powerman Duathlon in Malaysia.

"I'm basically a cyclist. I had never done competitive running before. Three months ago, my friends registered me for it," said Kaniz, founder of School of Cycling: Femina in Lalmatiya, Dhaka, where she has taught cycling to 2000 girls from 2016 to 2020.

This year, a total of 2183 competitors took part in the duathlon, out of which 331 were women. Five competed from Bangladesh and Kaniz was the only woman.

Kaniz took part in the individual short category, where competitors had to run five kilometres, then cycle for 30km and then run for another 5km to reach the finish line.

Kaniz Fatima Chhanda
Kaniz Fatima Chhanda. Photo: Collected

After deciding that she would be taking part in this physically demanding athletic event, Kaniz went to the person best equipped to train her for this challenge—Rakibul Islam, who in 2022 had won the Powerman Duathlon Asia Championship.

"I then went to Rakibul Islam bhai and trained under him for three months. After that, I took part in this competition," Kaniz said.

It took Kaniz a net time of 3:18:15 to complete the duathlon. She finished 2106th overall out of 2183 competitors and 309th off 331 competitors in the women's category.

But Kaniz wasn't disappointed by her position.

"At the day of the competition, I had fallen sick. So, I'm glad that I could at least finish it."

Kaniz didn't have any sponsor and had to spend around Tk two lakhs to compete in the event. She feels that the sponsors are not stepping up in support of women athletes, which is why so few women from Bangladesh have taken part in global events in cycling, running or other athletic competitions.

For now, Kaniz is recuperating from the physical toll of the duathlon and is planning where she could compete next.


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