How to get a black-belt in carrom?

Carrom board is the second most common thing in Bangladesh for a Bangladeshi after the crow, and also second behind the rickshaw for a foreigner and definitely second after the dirt, grime and pollution for a non-residential Bangladeshi (NRB) just arrived…Ufff, ki gondho (What the stench is this?)
Since now you know how popular carrom is in Bangladesh, let me give you the bad news first. By all probability, every Tom, Dick and Harry you meet in Bangladesh, that person will be undoubtedly, unquestionably and undisputedly better than you in carom…Ufff, ki pocha (What the bad is this?)
They will beat you hands down with ease, playfully pocketing all the pucks (small disks called ‘guti’ in Bangla) in front of your very eyes, and you will be left standing, and wondering, when will you win, and time goes by, so slowly…
Fear not, hope you must, not give in to the dark side... dark side of defeat after defeat.
The non-breaking good news: you can also hold your own in carrom if you improve your finger-eye coordination. Many a time you may have heard the expression: Mens agitat molem - “Mind moves matter” but never spare a second thought on it for obvious reasons.
Matter is the ‘guti’ or small disk you have to pocket, while your mind enables the perfect shot to take place due to superior spatial perception and motor skills. For your purpose, this is the appropriate context for the results you yearn to achieve…Ufff ki kothin (What the hard is this?)
Now let’s get down to business, shall we? The first lesson to get the coveted deep black belt in Carrom is to filter down your attention from all the worldly distractions and background noise, and focus on the carom ‘guti’ and the ‘striker’ in your hand.
Forget everything…take yourself to the moment of nothingness, and look sharply at the spot on the guti you want to strike. Just the spot…take aim, steady and flick. Now repeat. Your objective is to hit exactly the spot on the guti you intend to strike, and practice, practice, practice until you become perfect, near perfect will do…Ufff ki kosto (What the pain is this?)
If you have mastered the first lesson, now you take the next step forward. In this stage you will train your eyes for attaining superior spatial perception. You begin by looking at the pocket you want to place the guti in, and the guti itself. Look at the pocket, and the guti, the guti and the pocket…Ufff ki jotil (What the confuse is this?)
Following on, imagine a direct line from the center of the pocket to the center of the guti you have in front of you. Imagine the straight path your guti will take to the pocket. This part is not so easy. Follow me…the line must extend from the center of the pocket…run straight to the center-point of the guti…any miscalculation here will jeopardize your success.
Now don’t lose heart, the first thing you learn when you take the path of a long journey, is to overcome early disappointments. Be strong!
You have now reached the end of your carrom lesson, and if you can master the final technique, the desirably deep-black belt in carrom will grace your waist handsomely. Ufff ki moja (What the fun is this?)
The line you have imagined from the center of the pocket to the center-point of the guti, now extend it to the edge of the guti. This is point you must strike to be successful. Follow this process religiously, practice and become the holder of deep-black belt…carrom champ of the para…the world is not everybody’s meal, OK.