
MP-elect Shakib shifts focus back to cricket

A day after winning from Magura 1 constituency in the national elections, Shakib Al Hasan turned up at the Sher-e-Bangla National Cricket Stadium in Dhaka today, shifting his focus back to cricket ahead of the upcoming BPL.

The newly elected MP got out of the car with a brand new bat and entered the indoor facilities this afternoon as he looked to get back into his zone after a few weeks out with injury.

He was expected to be working with his childhood mentor Nazmul Abedeen Fahim who had entered the premises before Shakib.


MP-elect Shakib shifts focus back to cricket

A day after winning from Magura 1 constituency in the national elections, Shakib Al Hasan turned up at the Sher-e-Bangla National Cricket Stadium in Dhaka today, shifting his focus back to cricket ahead of the upcoming BPL.

The newly elected MP got out of the car with a brand new bat and entered the indoor facilities this afternoon as he looked to get back into his zone after a few weeks out with injury.

He was expected to be working with his childhood mentor Nazmul Abedeen Fahim who had entered the premises before Shakib.


চাল আমদানি

চালের দামে নতুন রেকর্ড, আমদানিতে অনীহা ব্যবসায়ীদের

চলতি মার্চের প্রথম সপ্তাহ পর্যন্ত ব্যবসায়ীরা অনুমোদিত ১৬ লাখ ৭৫ হাজার টন চালের বিপরীতে আমদানি করেছে দুই লাখ ৬৩ হাজার টন। যা অনুমোদিত পরিমাণের মাত্র ১৭ শতাংশ।

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