Sylhet - Rajshahi City Corporation Elections 2023

‘Every single vote counts’

95-yr-old says after voting in Rajshahi city polls
Rajshahi City Corporation election
Photo: Star

Sukumar Ghosh, a 95-year-old determined voter from Ghoshpara of Rajshahi city, overcame all his ailments to make it to the voting centre at Barendra College.

Accompanied by his nephew Mithun Kumar Ghosh, Sukumar reached to the voting centre to cast his ballot for his preferred candidate in the Rajshahi City Corporation elections today.

He views every vote have great significance. "I will not let my vote be wasted because every single vote counts," he said

Sukumar believes that, among all other rights, the right to vote is one of the most treasured and valuable.

Sukumar, who cast his vote using the EVMs for the first time, further said, "I had heard that casting a vote using EVM would be difficult, but after receiving instructions from the polling agents, I found the process easy."


‘Every single vote counts’

95-yr-old says after voting in Rajshahi city polls
Rajshahi City Corporation election
Photo: Star

Sukumar Ghosh, a 95-year-old determined voter from Ghoshpara of Rajshahi city, overcame all his ailments to make it to the voting centre at Barendra College.

Accompanied by his nephew Mithun Kumar Ghosh, Sukumar reached to the voting centre to cast his ballot for his preferred candidate in the Rajshahi City Corporation elections today.

He views every vote have great significance. "I will not let my vote be wasted because every single vote counts," he said

Sukumar believes that, among all other rights, the right to vote is one of the most treasured and valuable.

Sukumar, who cast his vote using the EVMs for the first time, further said, "I had heard that casting a vote using EVM would be difficult, but after receiving instructions from the polling agents, I found the process easy."


ইজতেমার ময়দানে আখেরি মোনাজাত। ছবি: আমরান হোসেন/স্টার

আখেরি মোনাজাতের মাধ্যমে শেষ হল বিশ্ব ইজতেমার প্রথম পর্ব

আখেরি মোনাজাত পরিচালনা করছেন বাংলাদেশের কাকরাইল মসজিদের ইমাম ও খতিব মাওলানা জোবায়ের।

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