Cyclone Sitrang: 1,500 families without electricity for 2 days in Shariatpur

The electricity supply system of Shariatpur Palli Bidyut Samity was severely affected due to Cyclone Sitrang that swept through the country on Monday night (October 24, 2022).
Nearly 1,500 subuscribers in the district have been living without power for two days, reports our Shariatpur correspondent quoting Shariatpur Palli Bidyut Samity GM Zulfiqar Rahman.
"Around 46,500 families were without electricity from Monday to this morning. We have been able to provide electricity connections to 45,000 families through the work of electricity connection till this morning. The power supply of the remaining 1,500 customers will restored tonight," said the GM.
He said 45 power poles were tilted and 74 transmission line insulators, 28 transformers and 470 meters were damaged following the storm.
Besides, wires were torn at 315 places while trees and bamboos fell on the transmission lines in 1,650 places, he added.