The X-Files

The X-Files franchise was one of those few rare sci-fi shows on TV back in the day that managed to glue the whole family down for a watch and always left viewers questioning what they knew about their world and beyond. However, if you think about it now, it wouldn't have been that difficult to intrigue audiences back then because the internet hadn't yet taken over and so, to achieve that sense of wonderment was easy. Now though the story is very different. We see and we know so much and more information can be had in an instant. In this day and age, can the new X-Files still deliver? That was the question I had while I was waiting for the pilot episode to start. However all confusion ended the moment it began, and I was happy to see that by the end of it, I was returned to the state I was always left in when the original episodes used to end. It amazed me as to how they have managed to tie-in modern elements into their old cases and brought the entire X-Files straight into the 21st century. The amazing twist at the end was simply so good, I had to tune in for the next two episodes. If you are a X-Files fan and haven't seen it yet, please do, because you are missing out.
Reviewed By Intisab Shahriyar