Star Wars 7: J.J. Abrams Has Final Cut of the Film

There is an undeniable air of optimism surrounding J.J. Abrams' upcoming Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens. As the final months before its release tick by, the growing anticipation for the film is nearing critical mass. Regardless of any previous disagreements about the release date, Abrams is happy with his current relationship with Disney.
Abrams confirmed that he does have the final cut of the film, but noted that there's a clause in his contract that would allow Disney to ultimately take control of the project. That clause is not at all unexpected, given the amount of money Disney has put into the film and the Star Wars acquisition. He maintains that they "have understood this thing that is now part of the Disney Company. And they're not trying to Disney-fy it." Star Wars: Episode VII – The Force Awakens hits theatres on December 18th, 2015.