TV & Film

Black Widow to get stand-alone film

Marvel Studios have announced that they are "committed" to doing a stand-alone Black Widow movie, most likely starring Scarlett Johansson, who has played the role in earlier Marvel Cinematic Universe films.

When asked about the potential of characters Falcon, War Machine, Black Widow and Hawkeye, Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige said, "Of the characters that you've just mentioned, I would say certainly the one creatively and emotionally that we are most committing to doing is Black Widow."

Fiege added that he liked Johansson's portrayal of the character and thus it would be fun to have the character have its own movie, and possibly even a franchise. "We think she's an amazing character. We think Scarlett Johansson's portrayal of her is amazing. She's a lead Avenger and has amazing stories in her own right to tell that we 
think would be fun to turn into a standalone franchise," he added.



Black Widow to get stand-alone film

Marvel Studios have announced that they are "committed" to doing a stand-alone Black Widow movie, most likely starring Scarlett Johansson, who has played the role in earlier Marvel Cinematic Universe films.

When asked about the potential of characters Falcon, War Machine, Black Widow and Hawkeye, Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige said, "Of the characters that you've just mentioned, I would say certainly the one creatively and emotionally that we are most committing to doing is Black Widow."

Fiege added that he liked Johansson's portrayal of the character and thus it would be fun to have the character have its own movie, and possibly even a franchise. "We think she's an amazing character. We think Scarlett Johansson's portrayal of her is amazing. She's a lead Avenger and has amazing stories in her own right to tell that we 
think would be fun to turn into a standalone franchise," he added.


রাষ্ট্রক্ষমতায় থাকার ইচ্ছা থাকলে পদ ছেড়ে নির্বাচন করুন: ফখরুল

সরকারের উপদেষ্টা পরিষদের উদ্দেশে বিএনপি মহাসচিব মির্জা ফখরুল ইসলাম আলগমীর বলেছেন, ‘কারও ক্ষমতায় থাকার ইচ্ছা থাকলে বা রাজনীতি করার ইচ্ছা থাকলে পদ ছেড়ে দেন, দল করে নির্বাচন করুন, আমরা মেনে নেব। তবে...

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