Bipasha Hayat Captured on Canvas

"The story behind all this is very interesting. I invested in a boutique house with my sister back in 2008. Seeing the other investors for this business work as well made me feel quite sad and so I started working at the factory with the colour themes for the clothes. Then I suddenly realized that I could try my hands at painting since I'm already experimenting with colours. From that point on, I decided to start painting. I always planned to do something from home once I got busy with my family, and after I started writing, thoughts of painting also crossed my mind."
She was always intrigued by the things she saw and more by those she didn't see. The non-material world interested her, especially how every person was born with the same instincts and was subject to the same basic set of emotions, regardless of gender, race, religion or social status. She feels that every artist wishes to express their personal world through their work, which is why she chooses abstract work over realism. Her experiences and colours she came across in her travels influences her work and exploring the area of human emotions and the intangible world is what inspires her.

"Realism has changed ever since the invention of photography, which is why the world of abstract appeals more to me. People are not too interested in matters which are too personal to the artist but the freedom of expressing a part of my mind through my work captivates me."
Acting and writing has its limitations and boundaries when it comes to expressing one's true self, but Bipasha has always enjoyed whatever work she does. Despite all human limitations, she has always put her full concentration into whatever work she does, be it acting, writing or painting. She also tries to showcase her personal emotions through her work, in addition her artistic sentiments, and loves the symphony that exists between the two in abstract compositions.

"Every person grows up differently and nature is never the same, which is why we never get bored. Individuals have many entities within themselves, but not everyone expresses it. I have been acting from time to time as well which is how I know I will not lose the other sides of myself. However, I have been enjoying painting more as I have started from scratch and that, for me, has been like starting a new life. I was thinking about what actually moves in a person, or what is triggered when they make a connection to a painting. The sound of a bell in a serene environment resonates throughout the surrounding and startles us. That is a simple explanation I was able to come up with. The sound moves the silence or emptiness within us. So when someone is moved by the feeling I tried to express in my works, it is an exceptionally wonderful feeling."

Her upcoming solo exhibition is titled "Realms of Memory", a visualization of the memories that sustain in her mind. It encapsulates the colours that come to mind when she thinks of any of her memories, be it from her travels or her childhood.

"I was always inspired by the non material world. While growing up in Libya, I was introduced to the Roman civilization for the first time. Even before that, we used to visit the Lalbagh Fort frequently and I always had this extraordinary feeling thinking that people once lived there at one point of time, and these thoughts and memories is probably the reason I chose the abstract medium. I have tried to bring out the colours of the sky and the ocean I remember from a trip to the Maldives in one painting, while another focuses on maybe a random memory that lingers in my mind. Each piece is unique and I hope the audience will see my emotions, my childhood and my life the way I see it. Just like the way a reader feels a writer's emotions and a viewer is touched by an actor's performance, the audience is also touched by a painter's emotion which is expressed in the work."
"Realms of Memory" will be exhibited in the Bengal Art Lounge, Gulshan, and it will be open to the public from August 8 to August 29, everyday from 12PM to 8PM.
By Zahid Akbar & Mohaiminul Islam