ROSHAN'S Walk to Fame
RAFI HOSSAIN: Welcome to Uncensored with Rafi Hossain. Today we have with us, Ziaul Roshan. He is an upcoming actor and has already been a part of a few films, with another one awaiting its release. Roshan, thank you for giving us your time. So, tell me, was it always your dream to become an actor?
ZIAUL ROSHAN: To be honest, I had always thought of the film industry as a big platform, and I never pictured myself as an actor. But, I used to watch Bangla movies a lot as a child, and was an avid fan of Manna bhai and Salman Shah bhai. I can say without a doubt that I have watched all of Salman bhai's films. During my last year in university, I started receiving acting offers from different directors who had seen my pictures on Facebook, and were interested to cast me. I had been a part of a few photo shoots for my friends, and that's where the pictures came from. I initially declined a few offers until JAAZ Multimedia contacted me regarding Rokto, which then became my debut film.

RAFI: What kind of feedback did you get after 'Rokto' was released?
ROSHAN: I was excited and at the same time, nervous about the film's release. But, in the end, it got good reviews. I don't think an actor's first film needs to be a hit, even though that is definitely a plus point. I believe that acceptance from the audience is the most important parameter of success, and that is something I fortunately received.

RAFI: You previously mentioned that you used to watch a lot of Bangla films, and even were a huge fan of certain actors. Do you think you had a desire to become an actor, even if subconsciously?
ROSHAN: I believe I did have a desire. When I was younger, my friends would call me nayok, since I always paid attention to my atttire and fashion.
RAFI: Are you dating someone now?
ROSHAN: No, I am not in a relationship at the moment. I am trying to focus on my career for the time being as I think being involved with the film industry often hampers relationships. My career requires me to work closely with many female actors, and this might make my partner insecure. So, I think it's better for actors to remain single as it allows us to pay undivided attention to our work. I think I will definitely marry someone when I'm ready, and make my partner my topmost priority.
RAFI: I think it's every actor's dream to play the character of Masud Rana, and you have been presented with the opportunity to do so. What are your thoughts on this project?
ROSHAN: Yes, I have been selected to play the legendary detective on the silver screen, but I am still awaiting the final confirmation. I feel confident about the role as I believe I am fit to play the character. If I am finally selected, it would definitely be a big challenge for me. There is a huge fan base of Masud Rana. So, I must work hard to meet the expectations of the audience.

RAFI: If you had to choose someone to play the character of Masud Rana, whom would you choose?
ROSHAN: I would say Shakib Khan or maybe Arifin Shuvoo, since the actor playing Masud Rana has to be very tall. However, I would personally prefer Shakib bhai. I think he is a very talented actor, and I love his works.
RAFI: As an upcoming actor, what is your count on the current state of our film industry?
ROSHAN: People involved with the film industry have told me that it is not in a good state. However, I disagree with them. The industry did experience a downfall around ten years ago, but it was doing quite well before that. So, I would say that the industry is doing relatively better than it was just a few years ago. Moreover, the number of cinema halls is increasing, and movies with better and complex storylines are being made. So, I would say that I am hopeful about the film industry's future.
RAFI: Are there any specific directors that you are looking forward to working with?
ROSHAN: My favourite directors are definitely Amitabh Reza and Giasuddin Selim, and I would love to work with them. I also like the works of Mostofa Sarwar Farooki and Raihan Rafi.

RAFI: Roshan, what would you say your strengths are?
ROSHAN: I would say that I can adapt to changes with ease. I also believe that I can portray any character without hesitation. I am very confident that I can build myself up to play any role, be it that of a villager or a soldier.
RAFI: Tell us about your weaknesses.
ROSHAN: I tend to get very upset in the face of adversity. For example, the release of Beporowa had been postponed quite a few times last year due to various complications. I get very attached to my work and this issue naturally affected me. However, my friends and well-wishers were very supportive, and advised me to be patient. This year, a lot of movies I've starred in are going to be released, and I hope I can meet the expectations of my fans.
RAFI: Do you have a parting message for the readers?
ROSHAN: I would like to urge everyone to watch more Bangla films. The audience is generally more interested in watching films from Hollywood or Bollywood, which is why the quality of such films are getting better every day. As a Bangladeshi, I think it's our duty to watch Bangla movies and encourage its progress; overtime, we will surely reach the calibre of international films. We are trying our best, the industry is trying its best, and we wish for your love and support throughout this journey. Thank you.
Transcribed by Shreya Shomoyeeta