Online Gaming Group Etiquette

There are lots of groups on social media where gamers share their collective passion of videogames. More often than not, however, gamers get a little too passionate and turn the groups into toxic wastelands. Here are some scenarios that are very likely to trigger gamers and a guide on how not to behave in such contexts.
Most of the sale posts in gaming groups have more 'haha' reacts than interested buyers. Even worse, people start foul mouthing the seller simply because they find the asking price a few hundred bucks too steep.
It is important to remember that nobody is forcing you to make the purchase. If you are interested to buy, but feel like bargaining a little, inbox the seller and negotiate with them. Also, if you are a seller, researching the market and deciding on a reasonable price before making a post may help you find a buyer faster.
Aside from avid gamers, gaming groups also contain people who are either new or looking to enter the world of gaming. They may often ask very basic yet important questions such as "Is it worthwhile to buy the PS4 for long term gaming or will the PS5 arrive very soon?" Quite often these questions are answered by trolls who give very helpful answers such as "I have a PS5 with a 1 TB RAM that can play GTA VI in 8K". Instead of being that unfunny guy, we should help them as much as we can.
When game discs first arrive in Bangladesh, the retailers sell them at inflated prices for the first week or so. Those who are too hyped about a particular game often end up buying the game at a marked up price and posting about it on online groups. These posts are usually faced with severe backlash. While it is obviously the economically smarter choice to wait for the prices to fall, we must remember that the extra cost gamers incur is the opportunity cost for not waiting and so the extra expense is not as unjustified as it seems.
One of the most primary uses of gaming groups is to discuss newly released games. However, this often leads to massive, uncivil fights when gamers have differences in opinion. We must come to terms with the fact that people have different tastes and be tolerant towards their choices.
Gaming groups often become hostile while debating over which platform is the best. The truth is, all the platforms have their fair share of strengths and weaknesses. Each platform has something unique to offer and instead of fighting over platforms, we should appreciate the technological advancements the platforms have made over the years.
Even though 48% of gamers in the US are females, the percentage is a lot lower in Bangladesh. This small percentage of gamers often face harassment when posting or commenting on online gaming groups. From awkward attempts at flirting to inexplicable profanity, their inboxes become a complete mess after interacting with gaming groups and that's why they often resort to posting through fake profiles or their male friends' profiles. We should give our absolute best to make gaming groups a safer place for women and encourage them to join in.
Nony Khondaker is an introvert who complements his non-existent social life with video games, Netflix and a whole lot of ice-cream. Send him memes and cat videos to cheer him up at