A quirky competitive multiplayer experience

I have hardly ever played indie games, so more often than not when I am suggested an indie title, I tend to pass it or end up being disappointed because of the lack of appeal when it comes to the visual front (Limbo being a total exception from this list). When my friend discovered the Landon Podbielski developed Duck Game, he constantly pestered me to try it out despite knowing my constant denial when it comes to independent titles. But one boring evening was all it took for my opinion to change pretty fast.
First off, the gameplay is probably one of the best video game experiences ever. It's very fluid and definitely fast paced with an extra dimension to the thrill factor being the cherry on the top. With a wide arsenal of weapons being available, another amazing feature of the game is that every level has its own specific weapon set that you must collect during the fight so basically, you start off a match empty-handed. This gives both competitors a fair ground to play in.
But what makes this indie title stand out from the competition is its multiplayer mode. A crazy, constantly happening environment. That is the best way to describe Duck Game's multiplayer. With a capacity of up to 4 players, its multiplayer mode is a great way to judge who is the best out there. Another thing to note about the game is its general quirkiness. IT HAS A QUACK BUTTON.
On the downside, the game's melee abilities, like throwing your opponents to their death, are too simple in my opinion. This particular feature is something that I feel can be more polished. A small hand-to-hand combat feature might even increase the game's depth so that throwing is not the only melee feature.
Duck Game's grenade feature is the worst. Considering the whole environment of the game, the whole unpin the grenade and then throw it might have been made this way to stand apart but it's sadly very off putting and unnecessary. A simple button to throw grenades would be much simpler in a game that is already running at a frenetic pace.
Published by Adult Swim Games, the Duck Game is available for both Microsoft Windows and PlayStation 4. So what are you waiting for? Grab your copy as soon as possible! Because this is one indie button smasher that has been made for a general audience to love and cherish. It may look plain but that is honestly, the beauty of it. Frenetic, loud and quirky. It's about time that this little gem finds a massive following.
Fardeen Zareef is sarcastic, in spirit. Whenever he tries to not make rash decisions, he memorises Chandler Bing quotes and tries to understand the concept of Twitter while fighting his war with carbohydrates by finishing a large Doritos. E-mail him your love/hate at fzareef666@gmail.com