Free to play, free to win

The PlayStation 4 is one of the bestselling consoles of all time. They operate like a dream and bring joy to people through their games. However, games on the PS4 cost a lot of money. There's nothing better than a game that costs nothing so I have brought you the names of a few free games that you can indulge yourself in without touching your wallet. Keep in mind that these aren't pay-to-win either when it comes to DLCs and additional content.
This, dare I say, is a pretty decent game. They may have a toxic fan base with screaming nine year olds, but that aside, it's a really fun, entertaining and intriguing game to play with friends. Fortnite combines battle royales and building into one seamless package. Now you have a fast paced action game like Call of Duty along with building mechanics like Minecraft. In-game transactions consist of different skins and weapon cosmetics, but none of this will affect the gameplay, a default skin is an equal match to a John Wick skin. Also keep in mind that this is a family friendly game so no cursing or blood when you get killed.
Keep in mind this is a team based game, so you'll need a squad. Developed by EA and Respawn entertainment, Apex is a team based battle royale. Apex may look like just another forgettable battle royale but it is definitely not. The game brings their own twist to the genre by adding fresh new mechanics. The most boring part about battle royales is that when you die, you have to watch your friends play the whole game. Well Apex says otherwise with their very own respawn system, i.e., if you get killed, your teammates can pick up your banner and bring you back to the fight. The addition of different characters or legends adds a fresh dynamic to the game. Wraith has the ability to travel to a different dimension while Bloodhound can track enemy footsteps. These unique traits for each legend make each of them deadly in their own way. Apex amped up their gameplay with a new legend and a lot of map changes. If you are into fast paced shooters with high adrenaline rushes, definitely check out this game. It goes without saying that you have to pay to unlock some legends. However, gassing enemies with Caustic won't get you in the top ten. If you're aim is garbage, then don't expect money to buy you the win.
If you're into hero-based shooters like Overwatch, Paladins is the game for you. Made by Hi-Rez, the game is an action packed shooter with a lot of variety, ranging from load-outs to many different abilities to choose from. Each ability changes the game in different ways. Plus there is a wide range of characters to choose from and each will unlock as you progress and collect gold. Similar to any MOBA-type game, you can buy items with gold during matches to buff up your character. Different abilities can also be assigned to every character before the match begins to give each player an upper hand. You can pay money to buy new champions but again, if you're aim is garbage, money won't hand you the win.
Probably one of the best MMORPG games ever made, Warframe is one of the most entertaining, time consuming, and action packed games that was ever made. This entry is a third person sci-fi shooter with a heavy focus in co-op. You play as an alien race known as Tenno and each player operates a ninja like suit known as a Warframe. You can explore massive solar systems, fight giant monsters with your friends, and catch fish when strolling through the plains whilst on a hover board, all for the low, low price of free. Each player will need to devote a lot of time and a lot of grinding to finish the game. Upgrading each weapon needs a lot of materials and you'll have to look for them in different galaxies. There are 66 warframes to play as, each having their own abilities. Ranging from Excalibur's slash dash to Volt's electric shield, there are limitless play styles to this game.
Developed by Blue Mammoth games, Brawlhalla is a platform fighter, which took a lot of inspiration from Super Smash Brothers. It mainly consists of online PVP modes as you battle to level up each character and save up to buy a new one. Offline modes are available but it isn't the same satisfaction of winning a difficult match. You can customise each character and give them a unique look to suit your own play style. Each character has their own set of special abilities and finishers so expect surprises along the way. Nevertheless, this game also has microtransactions but none of it affects the gameplay. You can buy new characters with money but where's the fun in that? In the end, it's a super fun and colourful game that is thoroughly entertaining to play with friends.
Abhoy is a broke and socially awkward teenager who would rather choose video games than talking to other humans. Send your thoughts at