

Unpopular opinion: As much as I revel in the satisfaction of throwing “OK boomer” at any senile octogenarian, I can’t help but feel hypocritical somewhat as a generation. For all the shade we have to throw at those who have come before us, “Manush ki bolbe?” hasn’t exactly disappeared from our world. The nature of it has simply changed, dare I say, evolved. Despite all of our expression and our desire to be our best selves, so much of what we do is influenced by what we see people do online. To participate on social media is to perform, and performance means appealing to an audience, audiences that each one of us have today. The fact is when we say “online”, “social media”, most of us aren’t talking about a world separate from our real lives. The Internet’s presence in how we think and what opinions we hold grows stronger every day. The nature of the Internet today is one of bubbles, groupthink, and homogenised personal information feeds. It’s up to us as digital natives to manoeuvre these worlds and set boundaries with how much we allow the Internet to influence our very beings.




Unpopular opinion: As much as I revel in the satisfaction of throwing “OK boomer” at any senile octogenarian, I can’t help but feel hypocritical somewhat as a generation. For all the shade we have to throw at those who have come before us, “Manush ki bolbe?” hasn’t exactly disappeared from our world. The nature of it has simply changed, dare I say, evolved. Despite all of our expression and our desire to be our best selves, so much of what we do is influenced by what we see people do online. To participate on social media is to perform, and performance means appealing to an audience, audiences that each one of us have today. The fact is when we say “online”, “social media”, most of us aren’t talking about a world separate from our real lives. The Internet’s presence in how we think and what opinions we hold grows stronger every day. The nature of the Internet today is one of bubbles, groupthink, and homogenised personal information feeds. It’s up to us as digital natives to manoeuvre these worlds and set boundaries with how much we allow the Internet to influence our very beings.

