How not to be annoying in public groups

Large public groups are a common thing on Facebook these days. Whether it is general groups for citizens to post queries or the groups for buying and selling secondhand items, groups are an easy way to get our work done. They're an easy way to reach out and get or give information but sometimes the experience gets taxing because people go out of their way to be, well, annoying.
Here's list of things you should probably avoid if you don't want to look like a moron in public groups.
Being a Grammar Nazi
I wholeheartedly agree that everyone should use correct grammar at all times. But if it's a post that has nothing to do with you, there really isn't much of a point in barging in and pointing out that it should be "you're" and not "your". It gets in the way of the objective the original post is looking to fulfill and also makes you look like someone who pokes his/her nose in other people's business. Please, don't do this.
Gender Bias
It's good to be friendly. Really, it is. But if a girl posts, asking about the best place to get A Level Economics books from, please just tell her the answer without writing "Add meh, tell u in inbox ;)".
This is a public forum and there will be thousands of people laughing at your sad attempt at courtship. And considering that there will probably be a hundred other online romeos making similar attempts, you really don't have much of a chance at standing out.
And don't hesitate from helping guys if they post a query that you can help with. Helping people is good, regardless of gender.
Post about REALLY Personal Issues
If your relationship isn't working out, then I feel for you. I hope things work out or you can reach an amicable conclusion.
I also hope you don't complain about your better/worse half in public groups. "My partner doesn't trust me, says I share our personal matters with others. Ki Korbo? Keu Awaj den."
While these groups are really useful for locating the stores that have the right socks, fellow group-members don't give the best relationship advices. There are professionals for that. And unlike advice columns on newspapers which are anonymous, the whole world can get a peek into your relationship in this case and that really doesn't sound healthy.
Naming your kids
Names are important things. And the name for a new baby in the family is really something you should be deciding by yourselves. The internet has huge databases for baby names for every gender/religion/culture. The last thing you want to do is have random strangers, who may never meet the baby, get into heated arguments over the correct spelling of "Sadman".
You don't want Sadman getting on the bus one day and a random person coming up to him and saying "I named you."
Public groups really make life easier. You get to know which restaurant has the best brownie while cleverly defaming your business competitors. Let's keep the groups clean and helpful and a bit less annoying.
Rayaan Ibtesham Chowdhury is a business student who spends his nights trying to write a fantasy novel. Mail him at [email protected] if you want to talk about dragons in suits.