Science, Gadgets, and Tech

CoD Mobile An instant classic

Those who are into shooters had a Call of Duty phase in their lives at some point or the other. A huge fanboy of the first three games of the series, CoD: Mobile was the game I never knew I needed. The game retains the classic fast-paced gameplay of the series that really homes in on the Modern Warfare vibes. All the classic maps such as Killhouse from MW1 and Firing Range from Black Ops are there. The 5v5 gameplay modes include Frontline, Domination, Search & Destroy, Team Deathmatch, and Gun Game. There is also a 100 player Battle Royale mode but I didn't download Call of Duty to play Battle Royale. The matchmaking of the game is excellent where even ranked matches are found within a minute. However, hackers do exist and you might find one in 50 matches. We played around 200 matches in a couple of weeks and hackers were found in only a couple of them.

Even though mobile cramps your style, the game designers really did try their best with it. There is a simple firing mode that shoots automatically if your crosshairs point at an enemy while a fully customisable aim down sight option is there. When I played on mobile, I got MVP after MVP using the simple controls. Overall, the best part about the game's customisability is that there is no one right answer for anyone's gameplay. You can fit your settings to match your playstyle.

While there are varied weapons available, the balance actually felt good apart from the matches where your opponents are five-stacked with M16s.

Tips: The M4 is an extremely stable assault rifle until you get the AK47, AK117 and M16. The AK74u is also an excellent all-round SMG that'll serve you the entire game. Please don't use the sniper rifle unless you know the maps like the back of your hand. Play ranked to get promoted and unlock higher-tier weapons. Fast reload magazines save lives and not all scopes are equal (just slap a red dot on it).

There's also an official Tencent emulator! If you hate the mobile controls, you can download the Gameloop emulator from and enjoy the action on PC.

Overall, this is an excellent game for those who want to clan up with friends and mow down enemies. The simple learning curve makes it possible for anyone to join in and feel as if they are doing enough.

My clan and I usually stream from 10.30 PM to 3.00 AM. Catch us at



CoD Mobile An instant classic

Those who are into shooters had a Call of Duty phase in their lives at some point or the other. A huge fanboy of the first three games of the series, CoD: Mobile was the game I never knew I needed. The game retains the classic fast-paced gameplay of the series that really homes in on the Modern Warfare vibes. All the classic maps such as Killhouse from MW1 and Firing Range from Black Ops are there. The 5v5 gameplay modes include Frontline, Domination, Search & Destroy, Team Deathmatch, and Gun Game. There is also a 100 player Battle Royale mode but I didn't download Call of Duty to play Battle Royale. The matchmaking of the game is excellent where even ranked matches are found within a minute. However, hackers do exist and you might find one in 50 matches. We played around 200 matches in a couple of weeks and hackers were found in only a couple of them.

Even though mobile cramps your style, the game designers really did try their best with it. There is a simple firing mode that shoots automatically if your crosshairs point at an enemy while a fully customisable aim down sight option is there. When I played on mobile, I got MVP after MVP using the simple controls. Overall, the best part about the game's customisability is that there is no one right answer for anyone's gameplay. You can fit your settings to match your playstyle.

While there are varied weapons available, the balance actually felt good apart from the matches where your opponents are five-stacked with M16s.

Tips: The M4 is an extremely stable assault rifle until you get the AK47, AK117 and M16. The AK74u is also an excellent all-round SMG that'll serve you the entire game. Please don't use the sniper rifle unless you know the maps like the back of your hand. Play ranked to get promoted and unlock higher-tier weapons. Fast reload magazines save lives and not all scopes are equal (just slap a red dot on it).

There's also an official Tencent emulator! If you hate the mobile controls, you can download the Gameloop emulator from and enjoy the action on PC.

Overall, this is an excellent game for those who want to clan up with friends and mow down enemies. The simple learning curve makes it possible for anyone to join in and feel as if they are doing enough.

My clan and I usually stream from 10.30 PM to 3.00 AM. Catch us at


অযথা সময়ক্ষেপণ করে সরকারে থাকার বিন্দুমাত্র ইচ্ছা আমাদের নেই: আসিফ নজরুল

‘রাজনৈতিক দলগুলোর সঙ্গে ফেব্রুয়ারির মাঝামাঝির মধ্যে থেকে আলোচনা শুরু করতে আগ্রহী।’

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