I Exist in Small Spaces

i exist in the smallest of spaces
in the underside of a bed
a corner of a balcony
the plants are my friends
they exist in tree-time
grounded in reality
i dont want to take up more space
i dont know how to fight
i just want to go home
sitting on a chair feels too foreign
too grown up, fast paced
everyone is scary
i'd rather sit on the floor
see the world through the gaps in leaves
watch the sky grow bigger and the clouds drift apart
i unbecome unto myself
i miss the warmth
my soft unbroken lips
you're a child until you're not anymore
the lines feel hazy
i dont know where it starts or ends
the facial hair feels alien
the heaviness kicked in
lethargic to the core
how is it on me in the first place
i am tired of fighting
of struggling to live
i simply wish to exist
to love in simple ways
this softness will be the death of me
Uzayer Masud loves pretzels, guitars and pretending to write. Send them memes at instagram.com/uzayermasud