Science, Gadgets, and Tech

[WATCH] SpaceX Falcon rocket explodes on landing

This is the moment a SpaceX Falcon rocket exploded on landing after successfully delivering an ocean monitoring satellite to orbit.

The cause of the problem was that one of the rocket's legs collapsed as it tried to land on a floating ocean barge.

The rocket company had managed a historic first controlled return of an orbital stage last month.

This footage of the landing was posted online by SpaceX CEO, Elon Musk.


[WATCH] SpaceX Falcon rocket explodes on landing

This is the moment a SpaceX Falcon rocket exploded on landing after successfully delivering an ocean monitoring satellite to orbit.

The cause of the problem was that one of the rocket's legs collapsed as it tried to land on a floating ocean barge.

The rocket company had managed a historic first controlled return of an orbital stage last month.

This footage of the landing was posted online by SpaceX CEO, Elon Musk.


আগামী দুই দশক দেশের রাজনীতি ও সমাজে তরুণদের প্রভাব থাকবে: নাহিদ ইসলাম

নাহিদ বলেন, সরকার তরুণদের সঙ্গে কাজ করতে এবং তাদের রাজনৈতিক প্রজন্ম হিসেবে গড়ে তুলতে চায়।

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