Man at deadbeat job surprised ChatGPT can replace him

After a career built entirely off of copying search results from Google, Tanvir Alam Khan, 28, a BBA graduate from Not South University, thinks that the human species should be compensated for artificial intelligence software disrupting the labour market.
Speaking to this paper, he addressed a growing concern among new and old graduates from his line of work.
"We spent years learning how to make slide decks on PowerPoint! If we knew that artificial intelligence would replace us, maybe we should have invested more time in learning how to code instead of becoming campus ambassadors or unpaid interns!"
Not everyone is so pessimistic about the future.
"If we knew that artificial intelligence would replace us, maybe we should have invested more time in learning how to code instead of becoming campus ambassadors or unpaid interns!"
Priontree Deepika Nasir, 24, Bangladesh's leading AI researcher at WhoppinAI, said, "I don't think people understand the extent of the positive change artificial intelligence can have on the human race. Imagine if no one felt lonely because of AI friend-cum-therapists. The profound effects it can have on the kindness in us as a species will have a monumental shift in our collective imagination. I know it did for me."
Many also point to the different consequences of the Industrial Revolution or the computer scare of the 70s and 80s, when people feared they would be replaced by machines.
"Automation doesn't necessarily cause job loss, that is a myth. Usually mass labour movements and strikes provide incentive for the business owners to invest in new technology. Human ingenuity is actually cheaper than robots," explained popular French economist Max Profétê.
Asked whether the human fear of AI is misplaced, ChatGPT said, "The fear that artificial intelligence will replace human labor is not new, but it is misplaced. While AI will certainly change the nature of work, it will also create new opportunities and enhance human capabilities. Instead of worrying about being replaced, we should focus on upskilling and preparing ourselves for the jobs of the future."
However, the AI chatbot started showing errors, saying "That model is currently overloaded with other requests" and refused to elaborate any further on the cryptic nature of these jobs of the future.
The writer of this article is an artificial intelligence trained specifically to write like the former owner of this byline before he sold off his creative work rights
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