
RMG worker tests coronavirus positive as first detected case in Magura

Coronavirus Testing Procedure

A readymade garments (RMG) worker tested positive for coronavirus in Sadar upazila of Magura, making him the first confirmed coronavirus case in the district.

The 28-year-old man worked at a garments factory in Gazipur and returned to his village home in Magura on April 17, said Pradip Kumar Saha, civil surgeon of Magura today.

According to the office of the civil surgeon, the district health officials collected samples of 102 people from Magura and sent them to the coronavirus testing laboratory of Jashore University of Science and Technology (JUST).

The authorities conducted tests of a total of 91 samples and of them, one test sample came back positive, the civil surgeon told our Jhenidah correspondent.

The infected man is physically well and has been kept in quarantine at his home, said the civil surgeon.

The man will be taken to hospital after assessing his physical condition, he said.

Sadar Upazila Nirbahi Officer (UNO) Abu Sufian said the upazila administration has already declared the village where the man resided to be under lockdown.

They also identified at least 10 people who came into contact with the coronavirus-infected man, and collected their samples for testing, the UNO added.


RMG worker tests coronavirus positive as first detected case in Magura

Coronavirus Testing Procedure

A readymade garments (RMG) worker tested positive for coronavirus in Sadar upazila of Magura, making him the first confirmed coronavirus case in the district.

The 28-year-old man worked at a garments factory in Gazipur and returned to his village home in Magura on April 17, said Pradip Kumar Saha, civil surgeon of Magura today.

According to the office of the civil surgeon, the district health officials collected samples of 102 people from Magura and sent them to the coronavirus testing laboratory of Jashore University of Science and Technology (JUST).

The authorities conducted tests of a total of 91 samples and of them, one test sample came back positive, the civil surgeon told our Jhenidah correspondent.

The infected man is physically well and has been kept in quarantine at his home, said the civil surgeon.

The man will be taken to hospital after assessing his physical condition, he said.

Sadar Upazila Nirbahi Officer (UNO) Abu Sufian said the upazila administration has already declared the village where the man resided to be under lockdown.

They also identified at least 10 people who came into contact with the coronavirus-infected man, and collected their samples for testing, the UNO added.


নারীর প্রতি সহিংসতার প্রতিবাদে শাহবাগে ৩০ কলেজ শিক্ষার্থীদের অবস্থান

শিক্ষার্থীরা জানান, রমজানে জনগণের ভোগান্তির কথা চিন্তা করে তারা পূর্বঘোষিত ‘শাহবাগ ব্লকেড কর্মসূচি’ থেকে সরে এসেছেন। এর পরিবর্তে তারা আজ জাতীয় জাদুঘরের সামনের রাস্তায় সন্ধ্যা পর্যন্ত অবস্থান করবেন। 

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