
BNP will go to election: Noman

BNP Vice Chairman Abdullah Al-Noman today said that his party will participate in the next general election and compel the government to hold it under an election-time supportive government.

“The ruling party has made many sarcastic comments on election-time government. I want to say that BNP will participate in the election, it will not boycott the polls,” he said.

“Movement will be waged to compel the government to hold the election under an election-time supportive government,” he said.

He came up with the remark at a human chain programme organised by Jatiya Gonotantrik Andolon demanding withdrawal of “false cases filed against BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia and Senior Vice Chairman Tarique Rahman” at Jatiya Press Club in Dhaka.

Saying that national consensus among the people is badly needed, the BNP leader alleged that killing, abduction and repression is now the main agenda of the ruling party.

“The country is for all. The Awami League is doing politics of killing, abduction and corruption just because of power. But if BNP voted to power, it will not do politics of vengeance,” he said.

Regarding “Vision 2030”, Noman said, “Awami League is criticising the vision, they can do it. If there is any error in the vision, we will correct it.”



BNP will go to election: Noman

BNP Vice Chairman Abdullah Al-Noman today said that his party will participate in the next general election and compel the government to hold it under an election-time supportive government.

“The ruling party has made many sarcastic comments on election-time government. I want to say that BNP will participate in the election, it will not boycott the polls,” he said.

“Movement will be waged to compel the government to hold the election under an election-time supportive government,” he said.

He came up with the remark at a human chain programme organised by Jatiya Gonotantrik Andolon demanding withdrawal of “false cases filed against BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia and Senior Vice Chairman Tarique Rahman” at Jatiya Press Club in Dhaka.

Saying that national consensus among the people is badly needed, the BNP leader alleged that killing, abduction and repression is now the main agenda of the ruling party.

“The country is for all. The Awami League is doing politics of killing, abduction and corruption just because of power. But if BNP voted to power, it will not do politics of vengeance,” he said.

Regarding “Vision 2030”, Noman said, “Awami League is criticising the vision, they can do it. If there is any error in the vision, we will correct it.”



কারফিউয়ের মধ্যে গণকবরে দাফন

গণঅভ্যুত্থানের সাত মাস হয়ে গেলেও অন্তত ১৯টি পরিবার এখনো তাদের বাবা, ছেলে, ভাই বা স্বামীকে খুঁজে বেড়াচ্ছেন। তাদের মধ্যে ১২ জনই নিখোঁজ হন অভ্যুত্থানের শেষ দুই দিন—৪ ও ৫ আগস্টে।

১ ঘণ্টা আগে