Level-playing field still elusive: BNP to CEC Nurul Huda

A BNP delegation today met Chief Election Commissioner KM Nurul Huda and alleged of having no level-playing field ahead of the upcoming Dhaka north and south city corporation elections scheduled for February 1.
“Ruling party candidates are campaigning by setting up camps on footpaths, roads and by putting up posters and banners across the city -- violating the electoral code of conduct,” BNP Standing Committee Member Amir Khasru Mahmud Chowdhury told reporters after holding a meeting with the CEC at his Election Commission office in Dhaka this afternoon.
Claiming that the level-playing field is still elusive, Amir Khasru said the ruling party lawmakers and ministers are taking part in the campaigns of their candidates by breaching all sections of the electoral code of conduct.
“Awami League activists are attacking our candidates but no action is being taken against them, rather our party men are facing cases. There is no security for our candidates,” he added.
Alongside, the Awami League men are removing BNP candidates’ publicity materials like posters and banners across the electoral areas, the BNP leader said.
He also criticised the activities of the executive magistrates who were deployed to monitor the violation of the electoral code of conduct and said their activities are not visible.
“Our candidates are abiding by the electoral code fully while Awami League men are breaching the code,” Amir Khasru alleged.
He also blasted the Election Commission for allowing some observer groups and said they will work in favour of a party in the election and on election day they will say the vote was held in a free and fair manner.”