Mayor aspirant Saifuddin unveils 18-point pledge

Saifuddin Ahmed, Jatiya Party-backed mayoral candidate for Dhaka South City Corporation, today made a set of pledges including freeing the city from traffic jam if he is elected.
Ahmed said one of his major targets will be to present a clean Dhaka to the city people along with consistent supply of gas, power and water.
His 18-point manifesto also included freeing Dhaka from mosquitoes and flies, criminal activities and extortions, water logging, and enhancing the city’s cleanliness by planting trees at every road island.
The JP-backed aspirant revealed his manifesto at a press conference at the city in presence of the party’s senior leaders.
Ahmed said he will apply coordinated system among all the departments to carry out development activities while referring to the hazardous road digging in the city.
He also pledged to ensure interests of city dwellers living in rented house, rehabilitate vagabonds, free the city from beggars, and find out specific fields or places to hold rallies in the city.
“I will also ensure so that pedestrians can use the footpaths throughout the year,” he said.
However, like other mayoral aspirants, Ahmed also did not mention how to materialise his pledges as the city mayors in Bangladesh have little authority of decision making to carry out development activities in their respective cities.