Iftar party chairing Khaleda refused by cops

Police today refused organisers to host an iftar party that was scheduled to be held at a Dhaka hotel where BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia was invited as the chief guest.
Dr Fariduzzaman Farhad, chairman of a faction of the National People’s Party, an ally of the BNP-led 20 party alliance, booked the venue to host iftar this evening.
“Police denied permission hours before the programme. They said they will not allow it because of unavoidable circumstances,” Farhad said quoting a senior hotel official.
Mushiur Rahman, officer-in-charge of Ramna Police Station, told The Daily Star they did not allow the organiser to host the party as there is a case filed by Sheikh Shwakat Hossain Nilu, chairman of another faction of the party.
“We have just carried out the court directives,” the OC said without any further clarification in this regards.