
‘Fair UZ polls with local MPs impossible’

Says Election Commissioner Mahbub Talukder
Election Commissioner (EC) Mahbub Talukder, was reading out his written statement at his Nirbachan Bhaban office in Dhaka on March 31, 2019. Photo: Star

Election Commissioner (EC) Mahbub Talukder has said a free and fair upazila parishad election will be a far cry if it is not freed from the clutch of local lawmakers.

“It is absolutely a matter of political decision,” Commissioner Talukder said after the end of the fourth phase of upazila parishad to 107 upazilas held today.

“People think, the EC has taken a strong position in the upazila parishad election,” he said.

“Voting in many centres were stopped for irregularities and stern actions were taken by law enforcement agencies during the Upazila election,” he said.

“But why similar measures were not taken during national election. If we search for an answer, we will understand the real picture of the national election,” he said.

Reflecting on the low voter turnout, he said: “Disinterest to voting is an aversion to democracy. We do not want to join mourning procession of democracy.”   

“In all three previous phases, voters appeared to be uninterested in casting ballots with the overall turnout hitting the lowest since 2009,” he said.

He also added that it is because of a wavering confidence on the Election Commission that the elections are not turning out to be participatory.


‘Fair UZ polls with local MPs impossible’

Says Election Commissioner Mahbub Talukder
Election Commissioner (EC) Mahbub Talukder, was reading out his written statement at his Nirbachan Bhaban office in Dhaka on March 31, 2019. Photo: Star

Election Commissioner (EC) Mahbub Talukder has said a free and fair upazila parishad election will be a far cry if it is not freed from the clutch of local lawmakers.

“It is absolutely a matter of political decision,” Commissioner Talukder said after the end of the fourth phase of upazila parishad to 107 upazilas held today.

“People think, the EC has taken a strong position in the upazila parishad election,” he said.

“Voting in many centres were stopped for irregularities and stern actions were taken by law enforcement agencies during the Upazila election,” he said.

“But why similar measures were not taken during national election. If we search for an answer, we will understand the real picture of the national election,” he said.

Reflecting on the low voter turnout, he said: “Disinterest to voting is an aversion to democracy. We do not want to join mourning procession of democracy.”   

“In all three previous phases, voters appeared to be uninterested in casting ballots with the overall turnout hitting the lowest since 2009,” he said.

He also added that it is because of a wavering confidence on the Election Commission that the elections are not turning out to be participatory.


এসপি-ওসিদের এসিআর লিখতে চান ডিসি-ইউএনওরা

রয়েছে আইনশৃঙ্খলা বাহিনী কর্তব্যরত অবস্থায় বডি ক্যামেরা রাখা এবং মারণাস্ত্র ও ছররা গুলি ব্যবহার নিষিদ্ধ করার প্রস্তাবও।

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