
Dhamrai upazila chairman suspended

Dhamrai upazila parishad Chairman Md Tamij Uddin, also president of the upazila unit BNP, has been suspended as a Dhaka court has accepted a sabotage case against him.

The government today suspended Dhamrai upazila parishad Chairman Md Tamij Uddin, also president of the upazila unit BNP.

The Local Government Division under the LGRD ministry today issued an order saying Tamij Uddin was suspended as a Dhaka court has accepted a sabotage case filed against him on January 11, Syed Shariful Islam, Upazila Nirbahi Officer of Dhamrai, told The Daily Star.

Tamij Uddin, also a member of national executive committee of BNP, could not be reached over phone for his comments despite several attempts, reports our Savar correspondent.

Police said the case was filed with Dhamrai Police Station during a hartal enforced by BNP.


Dhamrai upazila chairman suspended

Dhamrai upazila parishad Chairman Md Tamij Uddin, also president of the upazila unit BNP, has been suspended as a Dhaka court has accepted a sabotage case against him.

The government today suspended Dhamrai upazila parishad Chairman Md Tamij Uddin, also president of the upazila unit BNP.

The Local Government Division under the LGRD ministry today issued an order saying Tamij Uddin was suspended as a Dhaka court has accepted a sabotage case filed against him on January 11, Syed Shariful Islam, Upazila Nirbahi Officer of Dhamrai, told The Daily Star.

Tamij Uddin, also a member of national executive committee of BNP, could not be reached over phone for his comments despite several attempts, reports our Savar correspondent.

Police said the case was filed with Dhamrai Police Station during a hartal enforced by BNP.


জাতিসংঘের মানবাধিকারবিষয়ক হাইকমিশনার ভলকার তুর্ক। ফাইল ছবি: রয়টার্স

অভ্যুত্থানে দমন-পীড়নে অংশ না নিতে সেনাবাহিনীকে ‘সতর্ক’ করা হয়েছিল: ভলকার টুর্ক

বুধবার প্রকাশিত বিবিসি ওয়ার্ল্ড সার্ভিসের হার্ডটক অনুষ্ঠানে এ কথা বলেন ভলকার তুর্ক। সেখানে তার সঙ্গে কথা বলেন বিবিসির উপস্থাপক স্টিফেন সাকার।

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