Tk 43 lakh ‘stolen’ from Ershad's office

Miscreants broke into Jatiya Party Chairman HM Ershad's Banani office last night and stole Tk 43 lakh in cash, claim leaders of the party.
The money was stolen from the room of Ershad’s personal staff Jahangir Alam and stole the money, Delwar Jalali, deputy press secretary of Ershad, told The Daily Star.
The amount was kept in a safe, meant to clear the pay of office staff and some to be spent for repair work of Ershad’s residence in Rangpur, he said.
Office staffs noticed the broken door of the locker and informed Jahangir about it. It was then found out that the entire cash sum was stolen from the safe.
Police and Criminal Investigation Department (CID) have inspected the crime scene. The party was filing a theft suit with Banani Police Station, last reported.