Both parties must exhibit conscience and actively support a fair election

We are currently in a precarious situation as both major political parties appear to be on a confrontational course. Their actions amount to criminal offences. Who has granted them the authority to jeopardise our lives? Does their political power provide them with impunity? They must acknowledge their liability. In the case of an ordinary person putting another in danger, they would be detained under criminal law.
If the main opposition parties had demonstrated political wisdom, they would have recognised that the ruling party would not accept their stance. Moreover, BNP lacks the strength to challenge the Awami League's position through a movement. The potential for a solution existed if the opposition had heeded the appeal to engage in dialogue without conditions. Unfortunately, they acted stubbornly. The undeniable fact remains that the Awami League still possesses the political power to reject such proposals, as evidenced by their response to the call from US Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs Donald Lu.
Presently, we find ourselves in a situation without a visible resolution. Nevertheless, I maintain hope that a conducive environment for a participatory election can be established, benefiting the nation as a whole.
If a fair election cannot be guaranteed, it would be a shortfall for the country, with much of the responsibility resting on Awami League's shoulders. It is high time for the Awami League to substantiate its claim of being pro-democracy and uphold the spirit of our struggle for freedom through a free and fair election.
As a citizen, I aim to refrain from participating in the blame game. I expect both parties to exhibit conscience and actively support a fair election. The Awami League and BNP could mutually agree to a code of conduct, pledging to ensure a free and fair election. This commitment can be articulated as follows, "The Election Commission will direct the Awami League, and the Awami League will not direct the Election Commission."
Sultana Kamal is a human rights activist.
Views expressed in this comment are the author's own.
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