
Midday Brief | Sunday, April 22, 2018

Vehicles go past damaged and uprooted trees on Manik Mia Avenue on the morning of April 21, 2018. A number of trees along the busy road were uprooted during a Nor'wester on the night of Friday, April 20, 2018, but the city authorities were yet to clear those when these photos were taken around 10:00am. Photo: STAR


Midday Brief | Sunday, April 22, 2018

Vehicles go past damaged and uprooted trees on Manik Mia Avenue on the morning of April 21, 2018. A number of trees along the busy road were uprooted during a Nor'wester on the night of Friday, April 20, 2018, but the city authorities were yet to clear those when these photos were taken around 10:00am. Photo: STAR


ঢাকায় পরিবহন থেকে প্রতিদিন ২ কোটি ২১ লাখ টাকা চাঁদাবাজি

প্রতি মাসে এটি ৬৬ কোটি ৩০ লাখ টাকা, আবার কখনো তা বেড়ে ৮০ কোটি টাকা পর্যন্ত পৌঁছায়।

১৪ মিনিট আগে