Tremor jolts Bangladesh again

Mild tremors jolted Dhaka and many other parts of Bangladesh this afternoon a day into Nepal earthquake that killed 1,900 people.
The jolt was felt at 1:12pm, shortly after a 6.7 magnitude earthquake hit Nepal.
According to US Geological Survey (USGS), the epicentre was at 17 kilometre south of Kodari in Nepal – 612 kilometres from Bangladesh.
Bangladesh Meteorological Department officials confirmed the information and acknowledged that tremors from the quake shook different parts of the country.
Earthquake specialist Syed Akhter Humayun, professor geology department at Dhaka University, told The Daily Star today's tremors are likely to be aftershocks of yesterday's deadly earthquake.
"These shocks can continue for upto a year," he said.
Times of India reports, Delhi, Kolkata, Lucknow and Bhubaneswar too felt the tremors of the earthquake.
About fifty garment workers were injured while rushing out in panic during the earthquake at Stirling Garments Ltd in Ashulia, at the outskirts of the capital.
Ashras Uddin Mallik, director of Gonosasthya Hospital, said 20 of the workers were taken there in senseless condition. But their conditions were not critical.
Reports came in from several parts of the country about people panicking and rushing out of their homes and offices fearing the worst.
In Dhaka too, people came down to streets in panic.