TI Corruption Index 2019: Bangladesh retains same score as last year

Bangladesh has gone up three steps higher than the previous year in Transparency International's global Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) 2019.
However, Bangladesh has scored 26 out of 100, the same as 2018.
The rank counting from the top in 2019 is 146th among 180 countries. It was 149th in 2018.
The score is more meaningful and important while movement in ranking depends on other countries’ performances, according to the CPI-2019 Results.
It also referred to Bangladesh’ performance as mixed. “No improvement in score,” the result reads. It termed the improvement in ranking as “insignificant”.
Among the eight South Asian countries Bangladesh continues to be the second-worst after Afghanistan.
In the Asia-Pacific region, Bangladesh is the fourth-lowest among 31 countries, better than only Cambodia, Afghanistan and North Korea.
Transparency International, Bangladesh (TIB) shared the findings of the global survey at a press conference at its office in Dhaka this morning.
The CPI index, which ranks 180 countries by their perceived levels of public sector corruption based on findings by globally-reputable survey sources, uses a scale of zero to 100 -- where zero is highly corrupt and 100 is very clean.
Bangladesh scored a meagre 26, a little over half of the average.