
Midday Brief, Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Vehicles stuck in gridlock on the capital’s Airport Road around 2:00pm on May 13, 2019, which was the seventh day of Ramadan. The city’s perennial traffic problem seems to have worsen at many places mainly due to traffic mismanagement. Photo: STAR/ Palash Khan

Hello readers! How are you doing today?

Here are the headlines so far on May 14, 2019


5 killed in ‘gunfights’

BNP to contest by-polls to Fakhrul’s seat

‘Criminals, drug dealers in central committee’

Graft trial against Moudud to continue


CO2 levels hit historic high

Venezuela exodus raises worries of babies being stateless

SL clashes kill 1; curfew imposed after mosques attacked

Digital tech applications creating jobs for women, engineers: LinkedIn

Sri Lankan software engr under Indian surveillance

Graft trial against Moudud to continue

CPJ urges Myanmar not to harass local top journo

WhatsApp discovers spyware that infected with a call alone

The Moon is shrinking: Study


Fizz shines as BD romp into final


Midday Brief, Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Vehicles stuck in gridlock on the capital’s Airport Road around 2:00pm on May 13, 2019, which was the seventh day of Ramadan. The city’s perennial traffic problem seems to have worsen at many places mainly due to traffic mismanagement. Photo: STAR/ Palash Khan

Hello readers! How are you doing today?

Here are the headlines so far on May 14, 2019


5 killed in ‘gunfights’

BNP to contest by-polls to Fakhrul’s seat

‘Criminals, drug dealers in central committee’

Graft trial against Moudud to continue


CO2 levels hit historic high

Venezuela exodus raises worries of babies being stateless

SL clashes kill 1; curfew imposed after mosques attacked

Digital tech applications creating jobs for women, engineers: LinkedIn

Sri Lankan software engr under Indian surveillance

Graft trial against Moudud to continue

CPJ urges Myanmar not to harass local top journo

WhatsApp discovers spyware that infected with a call alone

The Moon is shrinking: Study


Fizz shines as BD romp into final


দেশে আর্থিক মন্দা সত্ত্বেও ট্রাক বিক্রি বেড়েছে

সংশ্লিষ্টদের ভাষ্য, অর্থনৈতিক সংকটের কারণে ব্যবসায় মন্দা থাকলেও লজিস্টিকস, ই-কমার্স ও পণ্য উৎপাদন চলমান থাকায় বাণিজ্যিক যানবাহনের চাহিদা আছে।

১ ঘণ্টা আগে