Fresh 24-hr hartal from Thursday

The BNP-led 20-party alliance has called a fresh 24-hour hartal from Thursday morning demanding return of its missing leaders including Salahuddin Ahmed.
However, the Dhaka and Chittagong city corporation areas will remain out of purview of the shutdown due to the upcoming elections to the cities.
The alliance will also hold demonstrations across the country tomorrow to press home their demand, said a press statement issued by Barkat Ullah Bulu, a joint secretary general of BNP, this afternoon.
The combine strongly denounced brutal killing of blogger Oyasiqur Rahman and demanded exemplary punishment to the perpetrators.
Meanwhile, BNP in a separate press statement lambasted the barbaric attack on some Hindu families and their eviction from their homes in Taltoli upazila in Barguna.
Undersigned by Asadul Karim Shaheen, assistant office secretary of BNP, the press statement called upon the government to form a high-powered judicial enquiry into the incident to find out the "real culprits".