The four colleagues you need at work

The potential benefits of having different types of co-workers are immeasurable for any individual, and these benefits ultimately help you grow and prosper in the organisation. At work, your circle of influence will grow depending on the interactions you have with your colleagues. If you have a number of demonstrable skills, but lack the skill to network, you may miss out on the professional appreciation you desire in the workplace. In order to utilise your circle of influence at work, these are the types of colleagues you should befriend:
Mentor-like colleagues are a great resource to have because they have probably been where you would like to go one day. He is your superman and your role model at work. He is the person you want to follow in terms of career progression. His presence reminds you of where you want to be in the future. He generally knows the steps you need to take and can easily show you the opportunities you may never have thought of. You need him more than he needs you, so don't annoy him as he's only going to mentor you when he can fit you into his busy schedule.
You can make a lot of mistakes in the workplace so having a colleague who is good at spotting these mistakes can be very beneficial. This perfectionist will also be there to point out loopholes in your work before you share them with the world. At work, these colleagues are usually the experienced ones and have worked in several results-driven organisations. This colleague is the individual everyone appreciates and turns to for advice on proposals and policies. Nonetheless, always remember that your timeline means nothing to him. A friendly chase is always good to get him to check your content. Always do something for him in return to show your appreciation.
This type of colleague knows everyone inside and outside the organisation. The person is well-connected and can help you find new professional connections, new opportunities and also new beginnings. He is the type of colleague that can connect you with who's who in your field. You need him to reach people and the places you can't reach by yourself. But, don't offend or cross his path! Otherwise he can ruin your professional reputation in no time. Look up to him and let him know that you cherish his connection.
Hate networking? You can make connections anyway.
The critique is usually the devil's advocate—the one who doesn't think twice before asking the hard questions. He sees what you cannot see and he's very good when it comes to spotting problems before they arise. Like it or not, you need the critique's perspective. Although you do not realise it, in a way, the critique looks out for you. He is preparing you for success whether you know it or not. He is the 'go-to' person for you and a voice of reason. However, you have to know when to involve him and pick what you share with him. Otherwise you may feel disheartened more often than is desirable.