Coping with an office transfer

Most professionals view the experience of coping with office transfers as a way to developing one's ability to adapt in newer work environments. To some it's just another issue that can be dealt with, while to others it's an issue to break sweat over. Today we look into how you can appropriately cope when you find yourself transferred to a new branch of your organisation.
Accept the change
Quite often people get too comfortable in their current workplace, having invested a lot of time there. Accepting and responding to change is the biggest learning curve for a professional. Office transfers allow an employee to explore lesser known horizons of the organisation. So, accepting the change and acting positively to it is the first big step to coping with the change itself.
Determine your commuting route
The context of Bangladesh makes it a must that you determine the best route to your office. Understand that punctuality is key to successful integration. Also, being transferred means you have a second shot at creating an impactful first impression. So, why botch this opportunity by falling victim to the everlasting traffic jam? Get a clear idea on which route to use and what mode of transport to use. Always arrive on time.
Know your team
A transfer means working in a new team. This leads to knowing new faces and working with new personalities. In order to excel as an individual you must very well know how each and every member of your team functions. Take the time to know your colleagues, your boss and even the office staff.
Know how things get done
Organisations have set out policies and procedures for work-related activities. These are followed in different ways in different branches of the organisation. As an addition to the team, you must very well know the rhythm of the workplace and how things get done there. Once you know the ins and outs of how the new environment functions, you should feel right at home until your next transfer.
Naveed is studying Marketing in BUP and would like to emphasize his love for the number 21. Reach him at