Positive and negative stress
As noted by different findings, stress works both the ways—positive and negative. Positive stress can turn into negative stress if we do not alternate these stressful situations with breaks periods of relaxation. It is our challenge and responsibility to know when it works positively and when it works negatively. The optimum level of stress for a particular person under a particular situation or time it differs from person to person, and in the same person from time to time. Moderate levels of stress may actually improve performance and efficiency while too little stress may result in boredom and too much may cause unproductive, anxiety levels.
It is obvious that we will not perform without stress. But it has to be adequate and optimal. Not less, not more. We can sustain high levels of stress, but not for long and not frequently. Positive stressful situations provide us challenges to perform, to attain results, to go beyond. These are healthy situations, which increase our capacity to deal with difficult situations. If that adequate stress were missing in our lives, then we would not have had all the great leaders and successful personalities in different fields.
Impact of stress
As the subject stress is very common and important in our lives, developed countries in the world are already doing a lot of research in the area. They are trying to provide humans with valuable information, tips and techniques for better health and happiness.
Stress has a massive impact on our health, relationships and productivity. As we all know and agree, stress awareness and management techniques would help us save ourselves from both small and severe physical and mental problems. Stress management can increase life expectancy, productivity, relationships, society and yes, happiness.
Techniques and approaches
Stress management techniques and approaches are only effective if you understand the root cause of stress, along with the levels and types of stress clearly. Just like a doctor's prescription only works if the root cause has been diagnosed correctly.
There are lot of techniques, rituals and approaches to stress management. Any single technique or approach is not enough to handle stress effectively. We need to know different techniques and approaches. It's like leadership. A single leadership style will not be effective at all situations. Situational leadership is important to be effective under different circumstances.
Everybody has his or her own way to reduce stress, but there are some major ones to keep in mind, like nutrition, consistent and balanced exercise, proper rest and relaxation, time management, having a positive attitude, practicing rituals that are consistent with individual belief system, practicing gratitude, putting a stressful situation into perspective, developing need-based skills, tolerating short term stress, and nourishing a higher purpose.
The writer is the Head of Human Resources at Bangladesh Express Company Ltd. (licensee of Federal Express Corporation), and a FedEx certified stress management trainer