
Foodiez: : A platter of innovative ideas!

Mark Twain once said that part of the secret of a success in life is to eat what you like and let the food fight it out inside. But it is not always easy to eat whatever you like because it depends on the availability, price, your location and other external issues. Now, what if there is an entire week where restaurants of different locations in your city come up with different special offers from which you can choose your favorite one? Yes, it is now possible in Dhaka city, all you need is to get hungry and check the Foodiez app for the latest updates of GP Star presents Foodiez Dhaka Restaurant Week 2016 starting from 5 May 2016.

Dhaka Restaurant week is an example of how to deal with human needs, wants, dreams, and hopes. Dhaka Foodies, which is an online community of foodies where reviews, pictures, posts and suggestions of food help other foodies to know better, strides forward step by step which is a lesson for startups on how to cater people's interest and be successful. Their new introduction 'Foodiez' app makes the deals, reviews, food buzz, event updates available in our pocket to give us the total taste bud experience. And the best part is its crowdsourced content from foodies that makes it more credible and relevant among the other foodies. Foodiez by Dhaka Foodies is a perfect example for Startups in Bangladesh on how to utilize the power of the online platform to reach and unite a certain community. Entrepreneurs looking for innovative disruption can learn from Dhaka Foodies' drive to provide foodies the  experience rather than only information. There are many other food-review Facebook pages and some food apps, but Dhaka Foodies stands out because of its event-based activities that give the ultimate opportunity to the community members to feel the experience. Yearly restaurant week is one of their top engagement activities that breeds  successful foodies meet.

Restaurant Week is a popular concept around the world, happening in big cities like New York, Chicago, Michigan, Singapore, Hong-Kong every year. And it is happening in Dhaka for the second time, from May 5th to May 14th. Certain Restaurants who registered with Dhaka Foodies are offering a special "Platter/Deal" that will showcase their signature food. 60 Restaurants, across Gulshan, Banani, Dhanmondi, Baily Road, Uttara and other places are participating in this week. Here, all you have to know is that you will get their "Signature platters" at a price of BDT 499, 999, 1499 or 2499 (Including VAT and Tax). Top Foodie of #DhakaRW2016, Top Selfie of the Day, Top Group of the Day, Foodographer of the week and 'guess and win' offers are live every day to keep the foodiez engaged with this grand summer food event. The Daily Star is the strategic partner of this event.

A good idea is never enough to run an initiative. New ventures do learn and adapt to eventually get their core expertise. Dhaka foodies is doing the exact same thing here. It started with the motto "For the Foodies, by the Foodies", and now it has gone even far ahead to evolve as a food lover's trusted buddy. It launched foodies choice awards with The Daily Star, arranged food fests, took food photography to the next level by awarding foodographers and now their next target is to be the one-stop solution for foodies in the realm of delicious foods.

"Food restaurants are now an integral part of us because our social life now revolves around food. After a stressful working day, a hangout with family and friends recharges you for the next day. During a weekend, a family now plans for an exquisite dinner for happy moments. For this, a gourmet lover needs a digital food hub to know the whereabouts of food restaurants. The Daily Star is a part of this initiative because we would love to join the journey of our reader's food thrill and update them with the latest news of this restaurant week". - said Tajdin Hassan, Head of Marketing of The Daily Star.

"Restaurant Week is a popular concept around the world, extremely effective to find out and try places which is not in your Foodie radar otherwise. #DhakaRW2016 is an effort from us on the same view point. We want more Foodiez to explore, at the same time make it accessible to more restaurants so that it becomes a celebration week. You have Zero decisions to make, all you have to do is see the list, make a plan and grab your Deal at 499, 999, 1499 or 2499 which is also VAT and Tax included. We are happy to partner with GrameenPhone, Sepnil, The Daily Star, La Meridien and ABC Radio who is helping us to spread the word. This is your Nine days to be happy about food and explore." - said Foodiez founder Ashiqur Rahman Rean.

You cannot think or sleep well if you do not dine well. That is why hurry up and grab the best dining experiences in the town and explore the Restaurant Week now.

Event Link:

The writer is a digital marketing professional and can be reached at


Foodiez: : A platter of innovative ideas!

Mark Twain once said that part of the secret of a success in life is to eat what you like and let the food fight it out inside. But it is not always easy to eat whatever you like because it depends on the availability, price, your location and other external issues. Now, what if there is an entire week where restaurants of different locations in your city come up with different special offers from which you can choose your favorite one? Yes, it is now possible in Dhaka city, all you need is to get hungry and check the Foodiez app for the latest updates of GP Star presents Foodiez Dhaka Restaurant Week 2016 starting from 5 May 2016.

Dhaka Restaurant week is an example of how to deal with human needs, wants, dreams, and hopes. Dhaka Foodies, which is an online community of foodies where reviews, pictures, posts and suggestions of food help other foodies to know better, strides forward step by step which is a lesson for startups on how to cater people's interest and be successful. Their new introduction 'Foodiez' app makes the deals, reviews, food buzz, event updates available in our pocket to give us the total taste bud experience. And the best part is its crowdsourced content from foodies that makes it more credible and relevant among the other foodies. Foodiez by Dhaka Foodies is a perfect example for Startups in Bangladesh on how to utilize the power of the online platform to reach and unite a certain community. Entrepreneurs looking for innovative disruption can learn from Dhaka Foodies' drive to provide foodies the  experience rather than only information. There are many other food-review Facebook pages and some food apps, but Dhaka Foodies stands out because of its event-based activities that give the ultimate opportunity to the community members to feel the experience. Yearly restaurant week is one of their top engagement activities that breeds  successful foodies meet.

Restaurant Week is a popular concept around the world, happening in big cities like New York, Chicago, Michigan, Singapore, Hong-Kong every year. And it is happening in Dhaka for the second time, from May 5th to May 14th. Certain Restaurants who registered with Dhaka Foodies are offering a special "Platter/Deal" that will showcase their signature food. 60 Restaurants, across Gulshan, Banani, Dhanmondi, Baily Road, Uttara and other places are participating in this week. Here, all you have to know is that you will get their "Signature platters" at a price of BDT 499, 999, 1499 or 2499 (Including VAT and Tax). Top Foodie of #DhakaRW2016, Top Selfie of the Day, Top Group of the Day, Foodographer of the week and 'guess and win' offers are live every day to keep the foodiez engaged with this grand summer food event. The Daily Star is the strategic partner of this event.

A good idea is never enough to run an initiative. New ventures do learn and adapt to eventually get their core expertise. Dhaka foodies is doing the exact same thing here. It started with the motto "For the Foodies, by the Foodies", and now it has gone even far ahead to evolve as a food lover's trusted buddy. It launched foodies choice awards with The Daily Star, arranged food fests, took food photography to the next level by awarding foodographers and now their next target is to be the one-stop solution for foodies in the realm of delicious foods.

"Food restaurants are now an integral part of us because our social life now revolves around food. After a stressful working day, a hangout with family and friends recharges you for the next day. During a weekend, a family now plans for an exquisite dinner for happy moments. For this, a gourmet lover needs a digital food hub to know the whereabouts of food restaurants. The Daily Star is a part of this initiative because we would love to join the journey of our reader's food thrill and update them with the latest news of this restaurant week". - said Tajdin Hassan, Head of Marketing of The Daily Star.

"Restaurant Week is a popular concept around the world, extremely effective to find out and try places which is not in your Foodie radar otherwise. #DhakaRW2016 is an effort from us on the same view point. We want more Foodiez to explore, at the same time make it accessible to more restaurants so that it becomes a celebration week. You have Zero decisions to make, all you have to do is see the list, make a plan and grab your Deal at 499, 999, 1499 or 2499 which is also VAT and Tax included. We are happy to partner with GrameenPhone, Sepnil, The Daily Star, La Meridien and ABC Radio who is helping us to spread the word. This is your Nine days to be happy about food and explore." - said Foodiez founder Ashiqur Rahman Rean.

You cannot think or sleep well if you do not dine well. That is why hurry up and grab the best dining experiences in the town and explore the Restaurant Week now.

Event Link:

The writer is a digital marketing professional and can be reached at


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