

After successfully hosting two consecutive Model United Nations (MUN) conferences, Asian University for Women (AUW) is set to organise the third edition of Asian University for Women National Model United Nations (AUWNMUN) from February 9-11, 2017.

Themed "Endorsing Multiculturalism to Counter Terrorism", this year's AUWNMUN's organisers are choosing to tackle the issues of terrorism and extremism with the sole idea of having "unity in diversity". This writer sat down to talk about this year's AUWNMUN with the three core members of the organisers and secretariat: Samiha Sahel, Secretary General of AUWNMUN '17, Mahpara Mashiyat, Deputy Secretary General, and Inshirah Ali, Under Secretary General of Logistics.

1. Why do you think that the theme for this year's AUWNMUN is so important?

Inshirah Ali (IA): I believe the theme of the conference is important to make people aware of the current situation of the world. In the 21st century, when we should all be thinking about the progress towards global development, we can still see many injustices being committed around us, human rights being violated. We hope the theme will make people think about these and inspire them to come forward with feasible solutions.

2. With the surged international news coverage on Islam and terrorism over the past couple of years, why do you think this theme has not been touched upon earlier?

Samiha Sahel (SS): It would be inaccurate to say that this issue has not been touched upon previously. In many of the conferences, it regularly came up and was intensely debated upon. However, as it was not the prime focus or theme of other conferences, we decided to settle on this issue on account of the numerous ghastly wars and massacres that mainly occurred due to the non-acceptance of diversity.

3. Tell us something about the AUWNMUN Secretariat. It is extremely unique compared to the other MUNs that are organised across Bangladesh.

Mahpara Mashiyat (MM): AUWMUN has always been exceptional in terms of the secretariat. It is the only all women's secretariat till date in Bangladesh and also the most diverse one in terms of nationality, with this year's secretariat having members coming from seven Asian countries.

4. Considering that we all wish to reduce the scale and number of extremist/terrorist attacks worldwide, do not you think that not having international participants from outside the university this year only feeds into the minds of those following the fundamentalist/terrorist/violent path?

SS: It may or may not. Regardless of the fact that AUWNMUN will not have students from abroad, the participants represent countries all over the globe. That way, even if international delegates cannot come, the situation is not affected anyway. Also, the club has decided to organise the conferences on a bi-yearly basis—this year's will be a national conference, the next an international, and so on.

5. How intense are you all expecting the committee sessions to be and/or what are your expectations from the pool of delegates who will be participating in this year's AUWNMUN?

IA: This time we have selected the best delegate applications from different institutions. As the theme of the conference is now a very seriously discussed issue and we have six different committees with interesting and intense agendas, we are hoping every committee will be very energetic and enthusiastic.

MM: We are looking forward to very spirited committee sessions on global issues addressing extremist points of view and the lack of inclusiveness in society. We hope that the delegates get an unforgettable experience and a better understanding of the world today as well as what it will become tomorrow.


Raisa is in her third year of study at AUW. She will be on the International Press Committee at AUWNMUN '17



After successfully hosting two consecutive Model United Nations (MUN) conferences, Asian University for Women (AUW) is set to organise the third edition of Asian University for Women National Model United Nations (AUWNMUN) from February 9-11, 2017.

Themed "Endorsing Multiculturalism to Counter Terrorism", this year's AUWNMUN's organisers are choosing to tackle the issues of terrorism and extremism with the sole idea of having "unity in diversity". This writer sat down to talk about this year's AUWNMUN with the three core members of the organisers and secretariat: Samiha Sahel, Secretary General of AUWNMUN '17, Mahpara Mashiyat, Deputy Secretary General, and Inshirah Ali, Under Secretary General of Logistics.

1. Why do you think that the theme for this year's AUWNMUN is so important?

Inshirah Ali (IA): I believe the theme of the conference is important to make people aware of the current situation of the world. In the 21st century, when we should all be thinking about the progress towards global development, we can still see many injustices being committed around us, human rights being violated. We hope the theme will make people think about these and inspire them to come forward with feasible solutions.

2. With the surged international news coverage on Islam and terrorism over the past couple of years, why do you think this theme has not been touched upon earlier?

Samiha Sahel (SS): It would be inaccurate to say that this issue has not been touched upon previously. In many of the conferences, it regularly came up and was intensely debated upon. However, as it was not the prime focus or theme of other conferences, we decided to settle on this issue on account of the numerous ghastly wars and massacres that mainly occurred due to the non-acceptance of diversity.

3. Tell us something about the AUWNMUN Secretariat. It is extremely unique compared to the other MUNs that are organised across Bangladesh.

Mahpara Mashiyat (MM): AUWMUN has always been exceptional in terms of the secretariat. It is the only all women's secretariat till date in Bangladesh and also the most diverse one in terms of nationality, with this year's secretariat having members coming from seven Asian countries.

4. Considering that we all wish to reduce the scale and number of extremist/terrorist attacks worldwide, do not you think that not having international participants from outside the university this year only feeds into the minds of those following the fundamentalist/terrorist/violent path?

SS: It may or may not. Regardless of the fact that AUWNMUN will not have students from abroad, the participants represent countries all over the globe. That way, even if international delegates cannot come, the situation is not affected anyway. Also, the club has decided to organise the conferences on a bi-yearly basis—this year's will be a national conference, the next an international, and so on.

5. How intense are you all expecting the committee sessions to be and/or what are your expectations from the pool of delegates who will be participating in this year's AUWNMUN?

IA: This time we have selected the best delegate applications from different institutions. As the theme of the conference is now a very seriously discussed issue and we have six different committees with interesting and intense agendas, we are hoping every committee will be very energetic and enthusiastic.

MM: We are looking forward to very spirited committee sessions on global issues addressing extremist points of view and the lack of inclusiveness in society. We hope that the delegates get an unforgettable experience and a better understanding of the world today as well as what it will become tomorrow.


Raisa is in her third year of study at AUW. She will be on the International Press Committee at AUWNMUN '17


তিব্বতে ভূমিকম্পে নিহত অন্তত ৫৩

চীন জানিয়েছে রিখটার স্কেলে ভূমিকম্পের মাত্রা ছিল ৬.৮। তবে যুক্তরাষ্ট্রের ভূতাত্ত্বিক জরিপ সংস্থা (ইউএসজিএস) জানায়, ভূপৃষ্ঠ থেকে ১০ কিলোমিটার নিচে আহাত হানা এই ভূমিকম্পের মাত্রা ছিল ৭.১।

১৩ মিনিট আগে