How To Activate Your Superconscious Mind For Greater Success And Fulfillment

It was an urban theorist and the co-founder of City Lab, Richard Florida, who coined the phrase the 'creative class', to describe the rise of a whole new type of worker. Referring to data that ranges from the 1800s, Florida points out that the worldwide economy has entered a phase in which the 'creative ethos is increasingly dominant. Since the 1960s, there has been a steady increase in the number of creative roles available.
The profusion of creative enterprises and industries has exploded since the onset of the global pandemic. With many people out of work, and others looking for additional sources of income, or non-traditional ways to increase revenues, creative thinking and the ability to unlock new ideas has become of paramount importance.
Creatives make more money
But many will ask, does creativity really equal an increase in the bottom line? Well, according to a recent McKinsey report, a strong link has been found between the amount of creativity within a business endeavour and the amount of profit generated. Companies who are operating at the top of their game have learned how to unleash their creativity and generate financial value.
As we enter 2022, Law of Attraction and Divine Transmission expert Divina Caballo believes that more than ever, we need inspiration and creativity to excel in the marketplace. The key, she says, lies in activating the superconscious mind.
Create more wealth, with less effort
Caballo explains: "Have you ever heard of writer's block? Have you ever heard of people who don't know what they're supposed to do or what they should focus on? Many carry the feeling of not being talented enough or good enough in their field— like they're really lacking some kind of creativity or talent. It's because they haven't activated their superconscious mind."
She continues: "Just imagine how successful you could be if you were overflowing with creative genius in your writing, designing, marketing, sales conversations or product creations? You'd make immeasurably more money, with less effort. For me, the secret—although it's not really a secret—is in connecting with your own creative genius, which is seated in your superconscious mind."
Creative intelligence: the mark of a successful entrepreneur
Most successful business leaders and entrepreneurs have been found to be high in a trait known as 'creative intelligence'. It was renowned Harvard psychologist Howard Gardner who first proposed the theory of 'multiple intelligences. Tired of simply trying to measure one's capabilities on a standard IQ scale, the maverick Professor proposed at least eight bits of intelligence that evidence themselves in people's lives.
Proponents of the theory suggest that those endowed with 'creative intelligence' have the ability to access more of their brain, which they then use to create new ideas, insights, products and business plans. Central to this type of intelligence is the ability to find associations between ideas or thoughts that don't appear to have any initial connection. The skill of finding a link between disparate ideas enables innovators to see things in a whole new way.
The answer is in your superconscious mind
Caballo describes her method for awakening the superconscious, creative mind, which involves transmissions of divine energy. She adds: "I have been certified in Reconnective Healing, which is similar to, but more powerful than, Reiki. I now work on a system called the divine transmission where I operate as a healer—a conduit of energy and love. As a healer, I set my intention to send divine, loving energy through clients' hands, hearts and all the way throughout their being. The amazing thing is, I don't even have to be with the client in person, because the energy is so strong it can be transmitted from the source—from the universe—through the healer and on to the client."
"People send and receive love all time," Caballo continues, "through friendships and relationships. However, 'The Divine Transmission' is a sacred gift that was imparted to me; it is extremely potent and palpable. The gift is designed to activate my clients' superconscious creative genius, light and love and give them more creative genius in their marketing, business planning or life purpose creations."