Dealing with the unemployment blues

Bangladesh today has around 74,000 young boys and girls who are unemployed at the moment and unfortunately, they all have Master's degree from different Universities as stated in Prothom Alo this April. This enormous figure is really alarming for any job seeker. Unemployment is a serious situation which is feared by the vast majority of people. Not only can having to tell people about your jobless status be shameful and embarrassing, but without a regular source of income, the possibility of financial hardship can be difficult and can also bring an unwanted change to your lifestyle. Fortunately, there are some things you can do and resources you can take advantage of that will help you cope with this dreadful situation until you find your employment once again. This article will tell you what you need to know and what you need to do in an unemployment situation.
Get some exercise
Unemployment is very stressful and scary. Physical exercise can help relieve this stress and also act as the best anti-depressant for anyone in an unemployment situation.
Develop your skills
Job loss can be the perfect opportunity for anyone to upgrade their skills or even make a total career change. Enhancing your skill set can set you apart from others and may help you get employment in the future and even help you explore other industry sectors in the job market.
Voluntary positions in different organisations can increase your knowledge, experience, enhance a weak resume and also provide you with valuable networking opportunities which can help you in your unemployment state.
Cut down on expenses
Nowadays, time is really tough. If you are unemployed, you need to think twice before making any extra expenses. It is not the time to enjoy family time in expensive restaurants to celebrate birthdays of your nearest one. The more control you have over your financial situation, the less prone to depression you'll be in the future.
Grow some hobbies
Leisure isn't a luxury for the rich and the lazy. There was a recent study which showed how active leisure (for four to five hours a week) protected people from experiencing stress and developing depression, anxiety, high blood pressure, and overeating problems. Growing some hobbies of your own can help you deal with unemployment in ways you have never even thought of before.
These days networking has become very easy. Today, with Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, you have got tons of contacts right there at your fingertips. These tools provide you with valuable networking opportunities. You don't know who might be able to help you when you need a job and they may even help you increase your chances of getting the job.
Re-write your resume
The number one reason that people don't even get interviews in prospective jobs is that their resume does not match the job description. Every single job has its own identity and its own job description. Applicants need to read the requirement of the position carefully and rewrite their resume as per the requirement of the job. These days, one should have a couple of different variations of resumes to match the different jobs they are applying for.
Warm up
The primary reason that people do not get job offers after their interview is that they have not warmed up to the interview process. It takes around 3-4 interviews to get warmed up. After facing these interviews you will start to get offers. However, it is very normal to get depressed if you have been on 3 interviews and you have not received the job.
In conclusion, these tips are designed to help you stay mentally fit and feel optimistic. One of the best ways to start feeling better is simply to do something!
The writer is the Head of HR & Admin at Grameen Telecom Trust