
Seminar on “E-Commerce in Bangladesh”

Bill Gates had once quoted, "If your business is not on the internet, then your business will be out of business". This has become quite apparent on a global scale now that e-commerce can be viewed as an emerging industry. In Bangladesh however, the power of e-commerce still remains a doubt in the minds of the majority of the population. For this reason, BRAC University Business Club (BIZ BEE) had directed a seminar on 'E-Commerce in Bangladesh' on 17th February'2016 (Wednesday).

BIZ BEE – BRAC University Business Club is a vibrant and acclaimed club which has displayed a great deal of perseverance to enhance business knowledge for a decade. Over time, BIZ BEE has made a valuable imprint in the world of business through several activities that it has conducted. It has proved through its determinations to be more than just a university club gaining recognition through its considerable impacts on the business world. Various seminars, workshops and roadshows with distinguished icons of the country have been the regular accomplishments of the club. It also arranges a job fair called 'the job incubator' and is the proud publisher of an exclusive business magazine called 'Vision'. The seminar had occurred in BRAC University Auditorium at 11:00 AM. The keynote speaker in this event was Mr. Quazi Zulquarnain Islam, Country Manager of Kaymu Bangladesh. This event also held the presence of Mr. Razib Ahmed, President of E-commerce Association of Bangladesh (ECAB) as the chief guest. Other respectable faculties were also present at this event. This seminar was designed for the university students so that they can develop an enhanced knowledge about the globally emerging business sector, e-commerce and make an accurate evaluation of its engagement in Bangladesh. BIZ BEE was particularly inspired by Mr. Naimul Rashid, the Co-Founder of Rene' Bangladesh who apart from being the guest speaker at this event, was also a former president of BIZ BEE club. Mr. Naimul had raised an important question amongst the minds of young BIZ BEE Club which was, "Is e-commerce in Bangladesh a mountain of hope or a bubble yet to burst?"

The event initiated as the guests were welcomed with multihued bouquets of flowers. After a video presentation on the BIZ BEE club, a respected BRAC University faculty related to teaching some of the e-commerce courses, Mr. Noman Hossain Chowdhury briefly explained the e-commerce industry to the audience. He went on to further state how BRAC University attempts to educate its students about e-commerce through the tools and skill sets covered in the courses that the university offers. Mr. Quazi Zulquarnain Islam set off the session with extensive audience interaction in order to illustrate a variety of criteria that are essential for e-commerce to thrive in Bangladesh. He clarified the precise motives behind why e-commerce is a strong potential career, the image of the market and the players occupying the market in Bangladesh. After that, Mr. Naimul Rashid expressed his personal experiences that involved both attainments and barriers whilst pursuing his unbreakable passion in e-commerce. This was appreciably relatable for those BRAC University students who are currently or will soon be facing the conditions associated with pursuing a career in the e-commerce field. Afterwards, Mr. Razib Ahmed began to discuss on how ECAB supports and stimulates all the Bangladeshi entrepreneurs in the e-commerce field. He shed light on some of the prevalent doubtful matters involved with the e-commerce industry while ensuring complete, cost effective approach available to support everyone interested or involved with e-commerce in Bangladesh. Finally, an intensely fascinating question-answer session was conducted. As a consequence of this seminar, the audience was able to gain a realistic perception on how to employ the opportunities associated with e-commerce in Bangladesh efficaciously. The seminar ended with final gratitude from BIZ BEE to all the noteworthy members of the event. As the respected guests and the audience departed, they were provided with some refreshments.  


Seminar on “E-Commerce in Bangladesh”

Bill Gates had once quoted, "If your business is not on the internet, then your business will be out of business". This has become quite apparent on a global scale now that e-commerce can be viewed as an emerging industry. In Bangladesh however, the power of e-commerce still remains a doubt in the minds of the majority of the population. For this reason, BRAC University Business Club (BIZ BEE) had directed a seminar on 'E-Commerce in Bangladesh' on 17th February'2016 (Wednesday).

BIZ BEE – BRAC University Business Club is a vibrant and acclaimed club which has displayed a great deal of perseverance to enhance business knowledge for a decade. Over time, BIZ BEE has made a valuable imprint in the world of business through several activities that it has conducted. It has proved through its determinations to be more than just a university club gaining recognition through its considerable impacts on the business world. Various seminars, workshops and roadshows with distinguished icons of the country have been the regular accomplishments of the club. It also arranges a job fair called 'the job incubator' and is the proud publisher of an exclusive business magazine called 'Vision'. The seminar had occurred in BRAC University Auditorium at 11:00 AM. The keynote speaker in this event was Mr. Quazi Zulquarnain Islam, Country Manager of Kaymu Bangladesh. This event also held the presence of Mr. Razib Ahmed, President of E-commerce Association of Bangladesh (ECAB) as the chief guest. Other respectable faculties were also present at this event. This seminar was designed for the university students so that they can develop an enhanced knowledge about the globally emerging business sector, e-commerce and make an accurate evaluation of its engagement in Bangladesh. BIZ BEE was particularly inspired by Mr. Naimul Rashid, the Co-Founder of Rene' Bangladesh who apart from being the guest speaker at this event, was also a former president of BIZ BEE club. Mr. Naimul had raised an important question amongst the minds of young BIZ BEE Club which was, "Is e-commerce in Bangladesh a mountain of hope or a bubble yet to burst?"

The event initiated as the guests were welcomed with multihued bouquets of flowers. After a video presentation on the BIZ BEE club, a respected BRAC University faculty related to teaching some of the e-commerce courses, Mr. Noman Hossain Chowdhury briefly explained the e-commerce industry to the audience. He went on to further state how BRAC University attempts to educate its students about e-commerce through the tools and skill sets covered in the courses that the university offers. Mr. Quazi Zulquarnain Islam set off the session with extensive audience interaction in order to illustrate a variety of criteria that are essential for e-commerce to thrive in Bangladesh. He clarified the precise motives behind why e-commerce is a strong potential career, the image of the market and the players occupying the market in Bangladesh. After that, Mr. Naimul Rashid expressed his personal experiences that involved both attainments and barriers whilst pursuing his unbreakable passion in e-commerce. This was appreciably relatable for those BRAC University students who are currently or will soon be facing the conditions associated with pursuing a career in the e-commerce field. Afterwards, Mr. Razib Ahmed began to discuss on how ECAB supports and stimulates all the Bangladeshi entrepreneurs in the e-commerce field. He shed light on some of the prevalent doubtful matters involved with the e-commerce industry while ensuring complete, cost effective approach available to support everyone interested or involved with e-commerce in Bangladesh. Finally, an intensely fascinating question-answer session was conducted. As a consequence of this seminar, the audience was able to gain a realistic perception on how to employ the opportunities associated with e-commerce in Bangladesh efficaciously. The seminar ended with final gratitude from BIZ BEE to all the noteworthy members of the event. As the respected guests and the audience departed, they were provided with some refreshments.  


১৫ মাসের যুদ্ধে ধ্বংসস্তুপে পরিণত হয়েছে উত্তর গাজা। ছবি: রয়টার্স

৪২ দিনের যুদ্ধবিরতিতে ৩৩ জিম্মিকে মুক্তি দেবে হামাস: ইসরায়েল 

ইসরায়েলি কর্মকর্তা জানিয়েছেন, যুদ্ধবিরতির চুক্তি চূড়ান্ত হওয়ার পথে এবং এর শর্তগুলো খুব দ্রুত বাস্তবায়ন করার জন্য ইসরায়েল প্রস্তুত আছে।

৩ ঘণ্টা আগে